its on sale rn. i've never played a monster hunter game
Is this worth buying? (MHW)
I think it's pretty fun, I would recommend you play it with a controller.
Addicting as fuck
I didn't like it at all. It's a grindfest.
yes its good
and get iceborne
It's nice. Just keep in mind that the main campaign was never the focus on any MH game.
Not even worth it for free
only if you like to grind. it's not like a final fantasy grind though, it's tactics and skill based, you just continuously try to dispatch the monsters more and more efficiently while you gather materials to make better gear and items. It's very addicting.
its fun but it gets boring after 500 hours
what the fuck is the focus then? the cover art? is this a multiplayer game?
i do have this impression. come to think of it, i picked up a PSP for about an hour and played this game for a bit and that's pretty much how it presented itself. I also didn't like the outfits, not a fan of the "primitive caveman" look, I prefer a medieval aesthetic
it looks like a grindy dark souls with inflated health bars, is the gameplay at least as good as dark souls?
yes it's totally worth it, mhw was also my first monster hunter
The game is basically about doing boss fights and crafting armor and weapons from the last boss fight to do the next bossfight.
>what the fuck is the focus then?
>Monster Hunter
Yeah, its a good game. I played the fuck out if it. Haven't played iceborne yet but I've heard it's also good.
Haven't played iceborne, but the main game was great and had me hooked for a long time after it first released. Super fun with friends too
which sounds like a single player experience, am I wrong?
I played the base game on PS4 and liked it a lot, having only played a couple MH games prior. If I were to get Iceborne, should I just get it for the PS4 or should I rebuy the game and expansion on PC? I know that the PC version was months behind in content updates at one point; is it still the inferior version?
>is the gameplay at least as good as dark souls?
I'm not the expert on dark souls or anything but I think it's better just because there's a lot of different styles of combat to choose from. I just randomly picked up the bow and it spoke to me. I didn't even know at the time it was one of the better dps weapons. Whatever kind of game you like to play, there's a weapon for it. DS is much more of a fleshed out game, this is just fight big monster then fight other big monster. You can play tactically or whack a mole and everything in between. The combat will take a very long time to master, the bosses will take a long time to master, the tactics will take a long time to master. There's a surprisng depth of the game that really doesn't exist in many other games, which is weird considering how simple it appears. I've never played any game like it, DS is maybe the closest but its a hard comparison for me to make at least.
Everything in Monster Hunter is there to support the core gameplay and combat in particular. The story and characters and everything else are there purely to facilitate you going out and hunting monsters.Multiplayer enhances the experience but isn't necessary to enjoy. I put 80 hours into my first MH before I looked into online at all. It's all about learning the movesets of your weapons, the movesets of the monsters, and timing and positioning, and then reaping the rewards by crafting new stronger gear after that.
If that sounds like enough in a video game, you should enjoy it. If you feel like a solid core gameplay cycle isn't enough, or you don't have the patience to learn a weapon or a monster, or you don't like upgrading gear, it probably won't hook you. But if it does, it's fantastic
The pc version synced up several months ago, it's by far the better version now, assuming your rig can beat a ps4
fun for the first 500 to 800 hours
easily worth full price, with the discount it's a steal.
Definitely get the version with IB included
It's the easiest and most noob friendly MH to get into. If you get Iceborne you can get this early OP armor that's made for you to breeze through the main game.
the ez set is for faggots. you're basically cheating yourself out of a ton of the game and teaching yourself to play like a retard. i wish i never used it.
well jeez sounds pretty worthless then
I haven't tried online in World yet. If I try to relive my cringy teenager MH years and change all my quotes + outfit to dumb movie references, will I be the only person doing that in World? Or is everyone just dead silent like I imagine they are?
Literally all it does is shorten the time you have to learn the game before you encounter the endgame fights, it doesn't magically make you a shitter. You would have sucked as much as you did in those endgame fights no matter what, everybody does at first.
Giving new players a massive damage reduction and huge damage increase crutch teaches them to play much more aggressively and less carefully than appropriate, and further ruins a lot of people when they get to iceborne and have everything flipped and instead of having OP gear with monsters that stagger a shitton and hits that feel like tickles they're not feeling like they're doing jack shit and getting curbstomped. Guardian Armor was the biggest fucking mistake
All my friends have custom stupid sayings, too. If you feel like you'd enjoy having all that, go for it.
What's the difference between them?
I was in your situation and did.
It's insanely fun and jumped to one of my favorite games.
there's no grinding until like the end of the game where you hit a difficulty wall
It is extremely fun and tons of content, but experience differs greatly depending on how you play. If you only play online and always ask for help, it turns into a mindless snoozefest.