Cyberpunk 2077 DLC Reveal Delayed Until After Launch

The company also looks set to share more information about its Cyberpunk multiplayer game in the first quarter of 2021.

CD Projekt provided an update on the projects during its third quarter earnings call on Wednesday.

Cyberpunk 2077’s DLC and story expansions were initially due to be announced before the game’s release, but plans changed following several delays to the game, which is now due to launch on December 10.

Asked when CD Projekt will announce and start selling a season pass for Cyberpunk 2077, president and joint-CEO Adam Kiciński said: “The initial plan was to do it before release, but after the recent delay, we decided to wait for the release to provide gamers with the game and then start talking about future projects. So, after release.”

Kiciński previously said Cyberpunk 2077 will have “no less DLC than The Witcher 3 had.” The Witcher 3 received two story expansions promising an additional 30 hours of gameplay, plus 16 other pieces of DLC, following its release in May 2015.

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Don't care, still buying Cyberpunk 2077 DLC

The dumbest move companies can make is talking about expansions pre release.

However the way CDPR mentions them long before they release cushions the blows and at least they are upfront about it plus there is free dlc on the way as well.

Better then most other games that drop the dlc thing and piss people off.

CDPR is best yet again

hell yeah

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boring. exists only for the headline to include "cyberpunk 2077" and "delay"

>DLC Reveal Delayed

>Release game
>Release day one patch
>Release multiplayer

>It fails
>Hehe dont worry guys here's the excellent new campaign DLC we promised, hehe.

>It succeeds
>Up next: New outfits, new vehicles and new cock customization options in the upcoming DLC for your online toon.

Its impossible for publicly listed game developers to hide the fact that they are working on any upcoming project, such as DLC content for a game, as they must publicly post minutes of meetings which would include this information. So yes, a good strategy is being upfront about plans.

They better shit out at least 3 gigantic fucking expansions for this butchered game

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I Am Still Pirating Cyber Punk 2000

Wait, were they planning on revealing the DLC before the base game even comes out?

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And you'll guzzle it all down like the great big fat dirty sewer pig you are.

expansion on the huge Crystal Palace space station, shit goes down and bam! suddenly its CyberShock 2077.

If by "guzzle it all down" you mean copy/pasting the magnet link then yeah

>game isn't even out
>already talks of DLC
It amazes me how there are people out there still delusional enough to consider these people a "bro-tier dev" when they're just another EA.

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Why not talk about it?

Witcher 3 expansions were huge additions to the game.

Those are redditors and they need to go back.

Talking about having DLC is one thing, I just don't think they should straight up reveal what the DLC is before the game is even out

It's likely that they were going to be forced to because leaks keep devs from being able to hide fucking shit nowadays. So they're just going "We'll talk about it later, guys. Don't worry. We're making something, we're just not ready to talk about it yet." Getting out ahead of things is often a good move.

So they have content they aren't putting in the game on launch. Scummy

They're just trying to say "Yes, we have plans. No, we're not revealing details until we're ready to."

bruh.... did you shop that image so it had a yellow background so people would pay more attention to your thread?

I bet it helps to promote the game.

It's likely that during the end of the development cycle, the writers and designers were ready to start working on things they wanted to make but couldn't fit into the base game to meet release timelines (see: they still had to delay just the base game due to bugs), so they're going to give tons of free DLC and some cheap expacs that have a lot of content like they did for W3. When all there is to do for the game is just patch it and bugfix it, that gives the creative side time to start working on future content. This is a common thing.

It shows they'll keep supporting the game after release, not a bad thing.

Exactly this! If so ill forgive all that (over-)hype and underwhelming delivery ,and not shoot a school. What retards they made themselves an easy (and deserving) target even for losers like that sHaszanm guy

99% chance we'll get something taking place in the Crystal Palace if it's not already in base game. Probably something in the LA Metroplex. Maybe something in Tokyo. Those are pretty important hubs/places in Cyberpunk. Crystal Palace is like the space station on Elysium. Tokyo is the most powerful economic hub on the face of the planet. LA Metroplex looks like Shanghai with all the smog in it and it's a hellhole. It's also pretty important.


What are you laughing at fren

uh oh

Can't reveal DLC when the main game isn't finished yet

Witcher 3 DLCs were amazing. Let's be honest, Blood and Wine could fuction as a stand alone game with all that content. I'm sure the CP2077 DLC will be equally amazing.

They allready said that Cyberpunk 2077 would receive the same ammount of free DLC and 2 big Add-Ons like Witcher 3