Has homophobic quotes because he's a 16 year old and doesn't understand that because of his young age

>has homophobic quotes because he's a 16 year old and doesn't understand that because of his young age
Why are Persona fans like this?

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Its the most cookie-cutter, high-school AP Psych student take on shit nowadays.
>Oh you hate gays? You must want to suck cock

People think that there's deeper meaning to shit than there really is sometimes

twitter trannies don't actually play the games

I'll never understand why people seem to be constantly shocked at the revelation weebs are fucking retarded. Who has ever known a weeb to not be retarded?

It's fujoshitters
However the MC is legitimately lolicon

He will never be Kanji

There's cut lines of Yosuke confessing to you sorta


Blame Freud and the Americans for adopting his shitty psychodynamic approach of "how much money can I get off these people"

Yu is indeed canon siscon.

>he's a 16 year old and doesn't understand that

Is he retarded?

Half of purse owners are fujos (or just fags), simple as.
No other explanation to the blatant misreading of characters like Yosuke, Kanji or Naoto.

Leftists have a weird relationship with Japan. It's funny to witness. Lefties love what nips produce like animu and vidya but nips are right wing culturally so libshits end up having to create a double standard. Sexualization of female characters in western media? Objectifying and sexist. Sexualization of female characters in Japanese media? Sex positive and empowering.

He was going to be Gay for Narukami but they scrapped it,they even recorded the lines

>Sexualization of female characters in Japanese media? Sex positive and empowering.
not true. liberals hate it.

More like, Zigmeme Fraud, am I right guys?!
But it all seriousness, even if it has some merit freudian shit was put down by many much more advanced works in psyhology and psychiatry. But literally everyone likes simple approach of freudian method.

He did have scrapped lines hinting towards a possible romance route though.

mental infants are obsessed with the idea of "you say you're anti-thing? you must secretly love thing!"
it's followed closely by "you say you're anti-thing? I hope one of your family is thing and that will change your opinion!" like we're living in some after-school special

Attached: 1600084518699.jpg (4096x4096, 693.89K)

He wasn't taken very seriously by other, non-"psychoanalyst" psychiatrists even in his own lifetime. He's always been the darling of journalists and the housewife equivalent of brosciecne. Granted a lot of the alternatives then were the types to lobotomize you or put you on infinite lithium pills which wasn't much better than doctor Fraud.

That makes him even less gay than if the writing team had not worked on that angle. They consciously considered it and scrapped it, because it doesn't fit him at all. It isn't time/effort constraints because it was already done and wasn't even included in the enhanced edition.

Personafags are ironic weebs.

ominous music playing

>Sexualization of female characters in Japanese media? Sex positive and empowering.
Libs across the world hate that though?

Still buying Cyberpunk

said no one ever.

It's just a joke. We all know he fucks Labrys daily

You're lucky enough to never have seen persona generals on /vg/.

But there really are people who are like that, the stereotype being Republican congressmen who push anti-gay agendas and later get caught in a gay sex scandal. And people who frame it as "haha u secretly like thing" are definitely mental midgets, it's more that they're deeply self hating and can't reconcile their sexuality with the belief systems they were taught growing up or learned from culture.

objectively correct post

Why does Persona 4 in particular have so many of these retarded reading like Naoto being trans? Did they miss her whole character arc?

Because they're self obsessed narcissists desperate for any possible validation.

>muh cocks
>muh pussy
>muh you want what you hate
>muh mother, fucking and subconsciousness Is literally 100 % everything about you at any moment
>scratch that, even watermelon, dog, cheese, tree, piece of gabagool etc Is about cock pussy mother teehee
What a simplistic animal tier hack

People that were abused as kids are much more likely to abuse their own kids than people who weren't. That alone proves Frued was right.

Leviticus 20 13

Like I said, he has some merit, but he Is not the set in stone absolute truth