Tifa's Teefs
Tifa's Teefs
Big if true
Funny how it's bigger when they draw it in some obscure book.
Almost as if they were afraid of showing it in game
westerners would have crucified them.
Artist is probably different person from the person doing the 3d models, and just wanted to draw bigger breasts because he likes big breasts. I doubt there was much thought put to it. I think you're seeing things.
Why is Tifa so hot
Long story short this artist was based and the 3d guy is cringe.
The art director would have the final say on how a character's bust appears in the final game not a modeller. There is only one reason they would nerf Tifa's canonical bust and that's to appease westerner crybabies who complain about unrealistic standards but then every man has a 6 pack abs.
I don't get this though.
They created Cidney purely for sex appeal in XV so why would they suddenly care about appeasing sjw cucks?
>no good doujin
how did this happen
>canonical bust
Her tits has been all over the place and sizes.
Her original model isn't even the biggest ones.
Yeah I'm sure it was whoever created the 3D assets that hates tits and not the management in between.
Are you serious? There are so many great doujins of her out there
>make the game appeal to puritans
>it no longer appeals to the people making the doujins
Gee, I wonder.
>muh censorship
Reported to SIE for future patching.
Real Tifa
Meanwhile at Nintendo, animators put in extra jiggle, because guest artist likes dem jiggling tiddies.
That looks like Lelouch
I hope you mean Kallen. But yes, it's the same artist who made a lot of the character design of Code Geass.
weird I always thought Cold Geass looks like shit but as a illustration the style looks pretty solid
Remake Tifa>OG Tifa>AC Tifa>the rest
Can't wait for PC Tifa in 2021!
Well, every version released after OG is better than OG, so that's not really something to brag about.
Part of the in-game of this scene:
Me on the left hahaha
Tifa's Teefs look fine to me. TORtanicfags need not apply
She looks like one of those sameface fighting blowdolls from Dead or Alive
People have always claimed her tits got smaller, when in fact they got bigger with almost every new iteration. They just looked bigger in her original art and such because the body was drawn kind of weird.
And the game is still shit.
When do we get some news for part II?