Because free is better than any discount. We all have different reasons, I pirate stuff because I live in a shithole where you can eat decently for a whole week with the price of any AAA title.
However this post is about games that are strictly online (pvp/coop) or have an additional value when you buy them that changes the whole experience.
Feel free to recommend them and let's try to avoid begging
I'll start:
>Dark Souls 3 I've pirated it initially and cleared the game once, however with the coop and invasion system the game feels different and it's actually a nice experience. (Currently 75% off)
>Monster Hunter: World Similar to ds3, had a story mode you can clear on your own, it doesn't have pvp but it has coop, you can form up to 4 man party to take down bosses. I've just bought it so I cant give more details (Currently 34%~39% off)
>Dead by daylight Shit game but it's fun when playing with friends on voice chat (Currently 60% off)
>Death Stranding Indirect multiplayer where you interact with other people, Just bought so can't get in to details (Currently 50% off)
TIL a tacked on multiplayer gimmick is all it takes for so-called "pirate chads" to bend the knee.
Zachary Brooks
Pirate all AAA games Only buy indie shit games Try some Steam/EGS bypass for games that require internet Don't listen to shills like OP and buy AAA games on discount, they still make a shit ton of money by selling these games
Aaron Butler
>Starts a thread with CHAD image >Has shit taste Nu-Zig Forums sucks.
Josiah Sanchez
>not just getting games with lan multiplayer where pirated versions work fine um, user.... wyd???
Isaac Flores
dunno if it counts OP but here I go >STAR WARS Battlefront II It has an average~interesting single player story mode and I actually do like the multiplayer feature when EA doesnt fuck up the servers, It's 70% off atm
Jaxson Hill
>my taste is better than yours >my opinion is relevant Let's start all over, user please recommend a game under the thread premise so I can improve my taste I have no friends or they live too far away so I rely on online multiplayer I usually pirate anything I can no matter who publish it I just used the pic to grab your attention user, I also couldn't describe the multiplayer gimmick better
>I have no friends or they live too far away >or which is it???
Robert Robinson
>Halo: The Master Chief Collection it's 35% off, the lowest it has been so far it has LAN multiplayer for retards like but also online multiplayers for people without friends like you or me