Hey, Zig Forums! I got something in the mail today! You guys wanna see?
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If it’s not a dragon dildo it better be something you use to prolapse your anus
I have the scissors ready!
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oh it's your transition kit that arrived
castrate yourself, you'd be doing the world a favor.
please show your black hands
Its the game and watch shit
kys faggot
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Must be your DIY circumcision kit.
I’m opening it!
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a dvd box set of home movies or bobobobobobobo
Sorry op but I’m hijacking this thread
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hahahahahahahah gay scissors
It’s open!
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that was a glorious thread
>didn't even use the scissors
Attached: wot.png (767x564, 426.9K)
Nintendo shit. It's always nintendo shit.
Can I get an analysis on the melanin content of this specimen?
This better not be some shovelware JRPG
I’m so close!
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You call that opening op? Watch this
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Going from the bg it's either Y7 or a Cyberpunk copy for the Gay Station 4.
>world's tiniest dragon dildoes collection
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It’s TLOU2 because OP is a faggot
I hope it's anthrax, you attention seeking ho
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No, mr. Kaczynski don’t do that
fuck off nigger, stop stealing shit
is that a fucking jewel case?
I’m so close to.
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What if he is only a decent black people, maybe?
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hes stealing the thread right now dipshit, of course he isnt decent
You call this an unboxing thread op?
I’m already unboxed
Attached: 2751CDDF-58FB-4386-A16D-B115E2B8FF98.jpg (4032x3024, 2.59M)
It’s Ridge Racer!
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>It’s Ridge Racer!
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Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidge Raceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!
>not owning a copy of RRT4 already
Were you too busy sucking cock or what?
The CCP produces dragon dildos, damn what a world we life in
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and pre hot-glued already I suppose?
High jacker user, good taste op
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why you talk like a nigger?
nice, i guess
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Can we have a picture of your ps1 collection bro :)
He’ll get a nice “tan” in no time :)
Weirdest looking dildo I’ve ever seen
what did you expect a dragon dildo to look like? a worm?