>tryhard sweats a game 10 hours a day
>people point out what nerds they are and that they're ruining the game for casual players
>'LUL GET GUD SCRUB NOT VERY POGGERS OF YOU LOLOL U MAD BRO? *does really bad impression of the troll face*
>parents cry in other room
Tryhard sweats a game 10 hours a day
>lose at game
>call everyone a tryhard
>playing a game with the intention to be bad at it
Sounds like cope to me. If you're playing the game casually why do you even care?
shouldn't you be appreciating their skills rather than getting all jelly and upset
>doesn't get there's a middle ground between being bad and not studying a game for an absurd amount of time to learn every possible exploit and optimize every single input
are gamers retarded?
allow the SBMM to do its think shittymagoo
sbmm is bad, allow matches to be mixed bags again. keep the retards are pros together
Not condoning OPs stupidity but it's not really impressive to be good at a videogame especially if you have no other obligations/responsibilities in life.
what do shitters like you have to gain by being bad at a game you play and playing the 'they have no life' card
no, learn to get kills from someone your own size