>British accent
British accent
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i hate masters and gen 8.
shut up
GLORIA fucking sucks anyways. I didn't let them win by forcing a app icon of her stupid face. I WON!!
i don't mind it
>playing mobage
you are already a nigger
Scotland is part of Britain you retard. Why do Americans not understand the difference between and "English Accent" and a "British Accent"?
So it is a British accent then? What's your fucking point?
Americhads dont give a fuck about your worthless shithole country, mohammad.
based and correct
The "one job" OP is referring to is that he obviously wanted Gloria to have a Scottish accent and she has an English one
fuck scotland, lmao
>haha we are dumb
she sounds like a slag
indeed you are
Because she is one.
Only dirty Scotts think they're important enough for people to care about the differences.
Everyone else on the planet just knows that you fuckers sound like pompous assholes.
Liar. Gloria is an innocent pure proper young lass.
cry harder, europe will never be relevant, video games are always made for us alone, your entire continent will always be an afterthought, especially for jap shit
oi you got a loiscense to explain that to us?
>video games are always made for us alone
Is that why they are full of trannies, niggers and ugly women?
You know, you have a point there. I guess some games are made for european audiences after all.
Ironic, considering that you 3rd world apes do this towards America all the time.
At least ONE of these voiced adaptations bothered to give galarian characters a European accent.
I've been watching The Dragon Prince in Netflix and at first I wast put off by the blatant forced diversity and shitty writing. But the main girl witht eh scottish accent really gets my nogging jogging and my dick hard. God bless that character.
Honestly, it's kinda cute.
But the USA is the most tranny filled nation in the planet.
Isn't Gen 8 MC from kanto? Or was that Gen 7?
They're all kinda melding together in my age-addled mind.
The absolute state of anglo subhumans.
the amerimutt is based off of a yuropoor too which makes it hilarious
The Gen 7 girl Chicken-chan was from Kanto. Gloria is Galar born and raised.
Is that what you guys are always so jealous about?
in this year America looked most 3rd world of all
Oh shit they gave her sword dog? Thats based as fuck.
this sounds retarded
Everyone else on earth thinks Scotland is nicer than your mudslime shithole, hate to tell you
>all this seething
Her VA is probably in her 40s and she sounds like it.
Based Leaf autist.
don't worry I'm sure third worlders will be back at it again once their team loses the world cup
wake me up when they add chicken
Dios mio...
>anglo third-worlders arguing between themselves which of them is the least shit
>Scotland is part of Britain
Not for long.
What in the flying fuvk am i looking at here? A mural of degenerates?
She sounds fucking retarded
I like it
Literally no one gives a shit, you monarch cocksucker
Nice joke. Everyone else doesn't give a flying fuck about Scotland. The entire world doesn't even know where Scotland is except for Great Britian, and that's only because they're forced to deal with their autism on a daily basis.
They gave her Zacian with Behemoth Blade
I hate zoomers so much
Gloria is getting TOO MUCH attention she already has 6 figures and a plush in just a year!! OTHER TRAINERS DESERVE MORE ATTENTION AND SHE DOESN'T NEED TO BE SHILLED SO MUCH IN THIS GAME. They tried forcing all of us to have her as the app icon but I changed it my way and fucking won!! THEY WON'T FORCE ANYTHING ON ME FUCK DENA!!
>Oi Marnie u fancy a shag m8?
THIS she should sound like a proper modern Englishman
>no love for shield pupper
did i choose the wrong game?