Just beat the game for the first time, WTF the ending sucks

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you suck

what's wrong with the ending

>get shot again
>it's okay my friends are still with me
>roll credits

i don't see the problem

it's abrupt and doesn't feel like you succeeded

wait until you see the extra story content in the switch version

i'm replaying this one way or another so give me the quick rundown on how to git gud.

>Neku couldnt shoot joshua because at the end of the day he was still his friend
>joshua then has a change of heart and decides not to blow up shibuya
>brainlets dont understand this
Are you stupid?

that seems like a minor thing to have a change of heart over. and what was his entry fee????

final remix in co-op is fun, dare i say not complete shit. i wish the controls flipped for the left joycon though.

What do you think of TWEWY getting a sequel?

an educated guess based on the dialog is that everything that happened to neku and his emotional growth was what changed his mind, since it was reflective of the fact that shibuya could change too

his entry fee might have been shiki amd beat's participation based on what joshua does right before the last game, but it's not confirmed or anything

looks like some persona shit

can't wait

Educated guess? user it's not even vague, that's literally the answer

Why isn't Neku in the trailer for NEO? Sho is alive again, hype chan appeared and they said Shibuya was gone so it's clearly connected to the end of A New Day. Are they leaving him dead off screen?

why show their hand early? they probably want it to be a surprise.
if they're going to show him in trailers it will probably be close to release or the end of the anime airing.

If a reaper threatened to kill Rhyme in front of Beat but promised to spare her life if Beat does anything they say, he would accept without a doubt. Even if the reaper's request was for Beat to eat shit directly from Rhyme's asshole, he would do it without thinking twice about it.

Rhyme would try to refuse and beg the reaper to spare her life without making her do that, but she would eventually give up. She would reluctantly drop her pants and shit inside Beat's mouth. And Beat would take it like a champ, not a single feeling of disgusting crossing his mind, because he TRULY loves his sister and is willing to even swallow shit directly from her asshole if it's necessary to save her life. Beat has the power of a brother's love, literally 10 times stronger than the power of friendship.

He would keep loving Rhyme, but after that experience, their relationship would be pretty much ruined. Every time he looked at his cute sister, he would remember the taste of her shit in his mouth. And she wouldn't be able to look at her brother ever again after having the dirtiest part of her body, her asshole, licked clean by him. She'd feel humiliated and her self-esteem would drop below zero.

When God expelled Adam and Eve from paradise, He used His holy sword of fire to slice the bottom part of their torso, thus creating the butt. After that day, they were forced to survive in the human world and eat unholy food full of impurities that they had to shit out of their anuses.

The butt crack is a mark of shame that has been passed down from generation to generation. That's what "human" means. Reapers make fun of Shiki and Rhyme because they are human and therefore their butts are split in two. Reapers do not have a butt crack or an asshole, because they are not lowly humans. They find humans disgusting, no matter how cute they are.

Rhyme's ass. The most shameful part of her body. The part where Rhyme's back loses its noble name.

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Imagine Rhyme from TWEWY saying cringy shit and embarrassing herself without realizing it. Is there anything more pathetic than a cute, obedient 10 year old preteen loli wearing edgy "radical" clothes (black hat with a skull pin, long-ass sleeves covering her entire hands, baggy pants that leave half her ass exposed and a trashy oversized sweater that conveniently covers her exposed ass crack), drawing graffiti and cursing like a sailor just because she wants to be accepted by her delinquent onii-chan and his skater friends? She is literally dressed like a badass delinquent loli despite not really understanding or sharing any of that edginess and being too young to be angsty. What a tool!

The tool is usually someone who is unwelcome but no one has the balls to tell them to get lost. The tool is always making comments that are out-of-place, out-of-line or just plain stupid. The tool is always trying too hard to fit in, and because of this, never will. Young girls are pathetic tools by nature. Nomura may be a shit game director, but he sure knows how to make realistic characters.

That character is the most pathetic little bitch I've ever seen in fiction. And I love her for it. I want to strip her naked in front her older "friends" and watch her face as she realizes that she never really fit in, that she was just the stupid tag-along kid sister of one of them! Not even old enough to be considered a woman! Humiliating! Cringy!

The fashion style portrayed in TWEWY is pretty erotic even in the real world. Girls really like "bad guys". But in the case of a young female like Rhyme, I think the eroticism comes from the contrast between the superficiality of her edgy outfit and the naked human body that lies underneath. I'm sorry if I sound like human condition user, but he has some good points even though he's a shameless pervert.

Basically, Rhyme's outfit expresses a lot of personality, it's very bold in its message. It surrounds her in an edgy aura. She looks badass without even saying a word, all because of her clothing.

Instinctively (and consciously too), we are all aware that this is a facade. It's all superficial. Even if she really had the kind of personality that her outfit suggests, her cool aura would be greatly diminished if she was wearing anything else. Her clothes play a crucial role in maintaining that image of a cool girl who does whatever she wants and doesn't give a shit about the rules of society.

As I said before, this is all superficial. Most of her personality is in her clothes. So, by "stripping her of her clothes" (by being aware of the fact that she is naked under her clothes), not only is she degraded to subhuman status like any other human being. She is ALSO stripped of her personality, her values, all she apparently stands for. Her temporary kid tattoos, her hat, her pins, her sweater with an offensive word written on it, her baggy pants, her colorful bracelets, her flashy shoes... Once all of that is taken away, she is just a naked human girl with an embarrassing barely developed body. A sweaty butt crack. Smelly feet. A pathetic bald pussy.

She is super nice and polite, never tries to act cool and never says anything bad to anyone. That's why her design is so baffling. What the fuck is such a nice kid doing wearing such clothes?

I don't think Nomura intended any of this, but I can't help but think that she's just a nice girl with few friends who likes to spend her free time with her brother. But Beat makes her wear that stuff because he's the coolest guy in town and wants his imouto to fit his style.

sequel never

user, I...

holy fuck I forgot this Rhyme autist existed

>pay attention to the light puck
>always make sure to chow down on food to boost stats and Bravery
>try as many pins as you can to find your own style
>if the battle system is a bit much for you to handle at first, you can always put your partner on Auto until you get used to it
>use Shutdown for Ice Blow early on to evolve it into Ice Risers
>if Neku uses a Cure Drink while holding the light puck, his HP gain will get boosted

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you're living in the wrong timeline bro
you gotta come back

>he doesn't know

that's right, i'm calling them uneducated

Nigga, get the Secret Reports. They basically answer every lingering question you have.