Any reason why you guys failed to tell me that this was a fantastic game?
Any reason why you guys failed to tell me that this was a fantastic game?
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We did
I played it last year and it wad pretty solid, essentially system shock 3 in everything but name, needed more variety in enemies however. The mooncrash thing is kinda cool but i didnt have the time really to mess around with it.
i did tell you do not buy it
I bought it during the Halloween sale and was pleasantly surprised. It really is a great game that didn't gain attention because of it's uninspiring name of "Prey." It needed a cooler and recognizable name.
idk why they used the name of a half life style shooter to make SS3
One of the greatest games ever existed and if you disagree you're a retard and you should go back to Zig Forums.
Unironically this.
>wait what
>oh that's clever
Is the game full of little moments like this?
iirc Bethesda made them do it so they could keep the rights to the IP. The director of the game said its original title was Typhon, plus there's an ability called Psychoshock which I imagine was probably on their list of potential titles at some point.
It's what the entire game is about.
Yes. And the gloo canon is one of the best tools in the game.
You can also avoid shooting through the window and your yourself into a mug or another small object and roll though the window.
The game can be as creative as you want it to be.
not playing the better game prey to the gods
Nerf Gun was probably my favorite weapon. Saved my life in those airlock corridors with monsters that chase after sound/movement or whatever.
Why does no one talk about the OST? It's god tier.
>does this overly complex thing
>window is large enough to crawl throug
Guess I know what I'm buying then
Yeah it is. You can play it multiple times and still be finding shit out. Like how to open that damn satellite door.
It's just another testament to how bethesda doesn't know shit about what people want. If they did they would have known better than to name it Prey. At least Arkane is still kicking but we'll see how well after Deathloop comes out.
You can't crawl through barred windows iirc.
I really need to get Prey
The crush of the eye
It's just better in blood like the surest old sun
When do you follow, where do you lead
With a cut clean hands, a fire to feed
>TFW you realize the game was an absolute flop and we're unlikely to ever get another System Shock like game ever again
Good choice, user. Just avoid any spoilers. It's better to play it with your mind fresh.
in cells
Well, Raphaƫl already left Arkhane so even if they release another Immersive Sim, it will likely be a shitty game.
>Whitin cells interlinked
>Whitin cells interlinked
>Whitin cells interlinked
I felt as if the soundtrack felt out of place for the environment and the gameplay, but I do agree the soundtrack is really nice
There is quite literally no reason it was called prey other than to garner attention of those that played the original.
>Loved prey and mooncrash
>Played dishonored when it came out and remembered liking it
>Get dishonored 2
>Couldn't for the life of me get into it
Is it worth pushing on with it? For some reason the fact that it's an actual stealth game is just killing the fun for me because when I get spotted I feel like I have to re do the encounter, whereas in prey I would sneak around all the time to do as much damage/save resources but if I got spotted I'd fight tooth and nail.
It was called prey because zenimax owns the ip and it's just been sitting there
Because it isn't.