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I like it. I bought Unrest to support the devs that recently open sourced three of their games.
I bought the other two games on Steam, because on Humble Store they are just a Steam key and Steam is cheaper.
It's good for pirating games. Fuck those polack faggots.
>t. steamdrone
It has swat 4 and you can have every launcher into one so yes
GOG itself is great, Galaxy is kind of a mixed bag since they insist on adding a bunch of features that you'll never use but you can pretty much ignore all of it.
Fucking hate that the search feature just looks for every game in existence regardless of whether or not it's in the store or in your library, to the point where if you search for certain games there'll be redundant listings for steelbook editions and shit, but otherwise the UI is fine.
for me it is. specially the galaxy louncher
>and you can have every launcher into one
I wish. All it does it automatically execute the launcher when you start playing, and sometimes it doesn't even work.
Eh, at least it's okay for browsing everything.
>download installer
>install game in folder
>run exe
Do you need more zoomer?
i actually bought and played a few games on the platform and i keep fucking forgetting it exists
using it only when there's a game which gog sells but steam doesn't.
>Sync gog to Steam
>Now you own all your games on both
>Use GoG's DRM free iso backup feature
>Games now backed up on an external HDD
>Burn them to DVDs
Congrats, you have your library backed up 4 times now
I tried syncing my steam games to GoG and none of my games were compatible.
OH Fuck Yeah
why wouldn't gog be good?
>iso backup feature
what the fuck I didn't know it had this
If it's not on GOG I'm not buying it.
Only use it for games I can't get on Steam. Tbh my gog library I own like 20+ games I got for free and the only shit I bought was Swat 4, Silent Hill 4, Warcraft 1+2, and Diablo 1.
based retarded brand-loyalist
stfu drm trash
The sale model itself is good, but not all games have feature parity with, say, Steam versions. Most of the time that's because of the developers or publishers, and sometimes it's the gog version that's superior.
I mostly use it for old games that are unlikely to get updates, because gog likes to take their time pushing them out.
GOG is adequate but it has some flaws.
First, they don't enforce feature parity with other digital distribution platforms which can make getting the gog version a gamble since you don't know if the devs will end up ignoring you even though you bought the game. A recent example of this is Mark of the Ninja Remastered finally making it to GOG after being on Steam for several years (so yeah while GOG did eventually get that version, that's how long it took), and there are more examples here
Second, their decision process when allowing or rejecting games from their platform is sometimes nonsensical. Starward Rogue was rejected from GOG despite its dev's previous games (AI War and others) being on that platform and the game satisfying their standards of quality (which aren't all that high). Synthetik Arena not being allowed on GOG because they don't allow free to play games on their platform is completely idiotic (it's effectively freeware with no microtransactions, and it actually makes the GOG version of Synthetik Legion Rising worse than the Steam version since it unlocks stuff in Arena.)
Third, to my understanding, GOG has no way to download older versions of games that you own (and the newest version is sometimes worse, cf. Rayman Origins), and AFAIK it also sometimes sells games with fan patches pre-applied without giving you the option to download the unmodded version (do tell me if I'm wrong, but I believe that is the case with VtM:B; this isn't generally an issue since the community patched versions of games tend to be better but I think both should still be offered). Let me know if there's a way to rollback or download older versions that I don't know about.
Who knows, nobody uses it
Fourth, I feel that GOG is pushing GOG Galaxy way too hard. I have no interest in using some platform that tries its hardest to make games into a social media (just like Steam) and yet it's the only official downloader for GOG games (I know there's alternatives on Linux, but those are third party and my point is that I shouldn't have to use third party software for something this basic.)
I don't hate GOG but I'm not particularly overjoyed about it. It still provides DRM-free games unlike any of the bigger digital distribution services but it has problems that I feel really need to be fixed.
idk about GOG itself but GOG Galaxy is perfect for organizing my games from multiple stores and subscriptions into one place.
Never had issues
Galaxy still can't sort by purchase date.
Huh, you're right. I have never felt the need to do this
I like GOG because it lets you manually install your games and those games are all I have to play when the internet goes out for a week.
Also nice that I can choose when to update a game, or perhaps never. The games I get from GOG are always ready to go no matter what, which is important to me.
Steam's offline mode still sucks dick to this day.
Wait until december 10 then try saying that again.
You'd have to be literally retarded to buy Cyberpunk on steam.
Doesn't matter where you get cyberpunk