Miles spends a couple minutes chasing Rhino through the city and jumping/swinging through debris and buildings etc, piggybacks Rhino and uses his strength to steer rhino for a while

>does not make a single mention, not even an offhand joke, about how tired he is

Miles gets SLAMMED to the ground, by Rhino, and IMMEDIATELY kicked into a wall, by Rhino, THEN immediately SHOULDER CHARGED through that wall BY RHINO

>still shakes off the pain, has enough energy and strength to solo rhino and beats his ass

and then

Tinkerer encounter, he chases Tinkerer for a bit
>gets very tired

gets slammed into a pole and cement by Tinky

>feels like his ribs are cracked, has trouble walking and web swinging, is at the complete mercy of tinkerer

next time with tinkerer, gets punched ONE TIME and hits a metal beam

>has extreme trouble even getting up
>sees tinkerer jumping into the air to land on him, has a 4-5 second window to do literally anything other than just watch
>he just watches her come down on him and gets absolutely beat the fuck up
>a couple punches from tinkerer leaves him unable to even speak clearly from being too hurt n shit

Don't say shit like 'Miles doesn't want to go full power and hurt his friend' I'm not confused about him not destroying Tinkerer, I'm confused because Tinkerer anals him way too easily, he gets nerfed to fuck whenever they fight, he doesn't want to throw a punch sure but fucking dodge the hit or maybe don't get practically KO'd from a single punch or attack despite dealing with way stronger enemies prior, you dodge gunfire on the daily from goons but can't see a fucking punch coming, and if you do, you do jack shit?

Miles being the new and inexperienced Spidey has nothing to do with this problem

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Hey guys check out my dog

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thats a nice dog. German shepard? Name?


good dog

Holy shit dude

Tell me about your dog



Based, I love it when POC characters get the same treatment POC like to use against whities

She’s about 11 months old now. German Shepherd.

I play ball with her every afternoon when I’m not working. She’s awfully quiet for a puppy. Got her during quarantine

who gives a shit about that. I assumed it was space wizard technology or some shit. you should check out this dog this other guy brought.

So cute

very sweet, what's her name?

This has peaked my interest
I need to know more

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How old?


looks a little sad, are you taking it out for walks

that's a nice dog. i hope you have a good home lined up for it when you an hero yourself

A calm one huh? They sound nice.

Yeah I walk her every day. That photo was taken after one actually, she gets really droopy when she’s tired. She sometimes can’t keep her ears up

I has doggy too

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i came here to get mad but i got glad instead

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Thats nice. I got a new puppy beagle two months ago. She is going 6 months old now.


Is he a good boy? The best boy?

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So cute! Thanks for sharing.

She’s a very good girl, the best even. I love her a lot.

Photo of when she was super little

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Pinchers are cute

This is now a dog/pet thread
Post your dogs/pets Zig Forums

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Tell us more.

money is filthy thats not good to roll around in

She ballin though

Forgot image. This was her a few months back when I first got her.

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cute face!