What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Lack of marketing. Also the genre was always a tough sell. Fire Emblem is only enjoying its recent success thanks to waifus

Not enough navel warfare

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Days of ruin, while objectively a good game, was too big of a change too fast after Dual Strike.

Then Battalion Wars tried to "spiritual successor" it and, while decent games on their own, failed to capture the same magic.

1 underperforming risky game and spinoff, and a much more profitable but similar series being proven just as development costs started to balloon.

I'm willing to bet they had one planned for the 3DS but after Awakening blew up, they probably gathered stray ideas into Codename Steam with input from NOA, and once that didn't work out, they became the Fire Emblem house because it was safest.

Didn't go full waifu/husbando shipping mode like Fire Emblem.

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Not only because it was safer, but also because Int. Sys. is a hack studio and the FE IP has put its attention in the gacha game.
I don't care how good the gameplay in 3H is, it just looks like a shitty PS1 game.

Absolutely nothing except too few sequels

Not enough faith from executives probably.

We're in the era of soi. Japsois don't care about warfare anymore (they're permanently cucked), and in the west anything anime has been 95% relegated to garbage coomer waifu bait so people who might not have been weebs but still buy a game already associate anime with coomber waifu VN-like garbage

Days of Ruin sold pretty well.

>I don't care how good the gameplay in 3H is, it just looks like a shitty PS1 game.
IS wasn’t responsible for the graphics and the game looks fine regardless.

Nobody but a small handful of smash rosterfags care about Advance Wars.

140k in US vs. Dualstrike's 300+k
It never got released in Japan except as a 3DS download

it wasn't bing bing wahoo enough for nintensoys, so the series died.

Would you want a FE:Awakening game for Advance Wars?

>Make a game
>Make the exact same game
>Make the exact same game again

You can whinge about Fire Emblem all you want, but Fire Emblem games actually change between iterations and each one has different characters, different stories, and a lot more that the audience cares about. The -Wars (and no, it didn't start with Advance) series never had characters, never had story and had almost no levers to pull, the games were purely mechanical, sold 100% on the gameplay and the gameplay was so simple that there was nothing to change between sequels but minor improvements or alterations.

They realised how useless this was and tried to have a story with Days of Ruin but this was too little too late. Shame, since DoR was actually pretty good.

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If I can make Olaf just absolutely annihilate Sanja sexually, sure.

Dual Strike did a pretty good job of this actually.

>Lack of marketing

I read the main reason why was it performed well in EU and US but not JAP and apparently its bad for a game to not do well in their home region? So they axed it. Also FE fufills a similar role so they dont want to cannibalize each others money?

It didn't do well in JP because it wasn't released in JP except as a 3ds online title.

>lot more that the audience cares about

Fire Emblems story and characters have always been painfully generic. And if AW was simple it's not like FE is 4D chess either.

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You can whine all you want, but Fire Emblem HAS a story and it HAS characters, and people care about them. We have threads full of debates about which characters are better, who's right, who's wrong, who should have done something differently etc. Just posting a picture of Rhea or Edelgard is likely to get 300 posts arguing back and forth.

You can't do that with Advance Wars. The characters beat the bad guy and then make him into a janitor so he can atone, the story is nothing more than an excuse plot and the characters are cardboard, you might as well discuss the story for Mario 64 or something.

Even beyond the story though, Fire Emblem games change and alter the forumla game to game, they have vastly different mechanics and systems each time, there's new levers the Devs can pull to keep things fresh or to improve the series. Every single -Wars game is practically identical, all any of the Advance Wars games ever added was a few new units and some more CO powers.

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I do not remember anyone becoming a janitor in Advance Wars, which one is this exactly?

Haven't really given Fire Emblem a chance seeing as I prefer a more modern skin I guess but I fail to really see what purpose any story and characters serve I mean yes something to outline why you would think one side is the bad guys and the other is the good guys and some kind of motivation to beat these bad guys does make sense but gameplay is what really matters

>lol ok

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>I do not remember anyone becoming a janitor in Advance Wars, which one is this exactly?

Dual Strike. The bad guy becomes a street sweeper because lul?

>I fail to really see what purpose any story and characters serve

The same purpose they serve in any other game. If you're so autistic you can't understand why people care about stories or characters then that's on you. But even from a purely mechanical standpoint, FE gameplay has far more to it than any of the Wars series.

That's why Advance Wars is completely dead and Fire Emblem is more popular than ever.

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I don't think the game was destined to stay around forever, there's only so much you can do with the formula.
>That's why Advance Wars is completely dead and Fire Emblem is more popular than ever.
It's waifus, more than anything actually.

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>you might as well discuss the story for Mario 64 or something.

The fact that M64 has next to no story worth talking about yet is still one of the most beloved games of all time should tell you how superfluous story is to a game.

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Days of Ruin isn't a bad game at all, but grimdark apocalyptic Advance Wars is still the dumbest idea anyone ever had. It's like making a Sonic game where you go slow. Being simple, clean, and colorful was the series' appeal and DoR took a meteoric dust cloud sized shit on it

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