Steam Sale Thread

What do? Shadow of War worth the time? Should I wait for a deeper discount on Sekiro?

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Vermintide 2 worth?
Was gonna buy a copy for myself and a Brazilian wageslave friend of mine

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Activision games tend to not go down during sales

Unless you want to play Sekiro RIGHT NOW, I'd suggest waiting for the Winter sale. The game just had free DLC released, so I guess they used that as justification for not putting it on 50% sale like they've done in the past.

with friends sure, solo - fuck no
it's activision, it might not go lower that -35 ever

>-50 in the past
it was never that low you retarded mongoloid.
All that dumb shit you typed instead of doing a factcheck

I picked it up 2 days ago, and had a blast with my buddies. Expect Left 4 Dead with a melee focus. Downside is that there is gear autism that you can only get in the form of lookboxes when you finish missions.

$72. What should I get, Zig Forums?

I had fun with vermintide 1 and 2. If you have a friend to play with, go for it.

Did not realize it was Activision. Although isthereanydeal shows historical low was 45% on GMG. I think I might wait on Sekiro, then. I'm still playing through Code Vein.

Also, if anyone is thinking about playing Monster Hunter, get it now before we all move to Switch for MH:Rise.

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Crypt of the Necrodancer is kinda shit. Or maybe it’s because I hate rougelikes.

Sekiro must be selling well consistently because most games have no business being more than $20-$30 a year and a half after release. I still need to buy it but I'm waiting for $30 or below. It's a fantastic game, though. Played it most of the way through. =)

I'd wait for Sekiro to go close to around 50. It's good but I was able to get it cheaper than that last year from a key reseller. as said, the price is probably because of the recent DLC.

>sitting on his ass waiting for a better deal on the GOTY instead of just pirating
I will never understand this

I prefer not to pirate anymore.

This is where I am now. Any good mystery VNs? I would've bought AI Somnium Files but it's not on sale. Ace Attorney was great.

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Any "survival" games to scratch the Rain World itch?
What I really like about Rain World is how your progression is very "flat". Like, you get new stuff you can use in each area and some are more powerful than others, but your power level doesn't really go up. You have your trusty spear and maybe you are holding a useful creature or a single-use item. Survival games tend to be based around starting very weak and working or way to being self-sufficient and the apex predator, but I like always being underpowered. And I hate crafting and base building.

Keep Sekiro, dump the rest of that garbage

Gonna need to see what you have or at least provide a sample of what you like

>Shadow of War worth the time?
I really like it.
If the nemesis system appeals to you, and you think recruting enemy orcs into your army is neat, then you'll like it.
It's got its share of flaws. Shadow of Mordor is a little tighter in pacing.

Poorfag guide
>Deus Ex
>Original XCOM
>Original Thief
>Original Oddworld Abe's Oddysee
>Original Serious Sam , 2 is $2, HD is $4
>Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein 3D
>Super Meat Boy
>Doom, 2, 3 and Quake games
>Hexen and II
>Arx Fatalis
>Tales of Monkey Island - Complete Pack
>Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (also most of the original Tomb Raider games in general)
>Age of Wonders
>Civilization 3 (IV is $7)
>Every Legacy of Kain except the first
>Dungeon Siege, 2
>Hitman 2, Contracts, Bloodmoney, etc, Hitman Collection is $7
>Overlord and 2
>Wizardry 8
>Postal 2 collection
>Just Cause 2
>MGSV Ground Zeroes
>Half Life and 2
>Saints Row 2, 3, IV is $3
>Hotline Miami
>Gothic 2 (1 is $4)
>Silent Storm Gold Edition
>Jagged Alliance 2
>Fallout 1, 2
>Shogun Total War Collection
>Divinity 2 (Anthology is $3)
>Sonic Adventure 2
>Dark Messiah
>Sid Meier's Pirates!
>Stronghold Crusader
>Prince of Persia Sands of Time, 2, 3
>Evil Genius
>Splinter Cell, Chaos Theory
>Guilty Gear
>Most Blazblue games
>SiN: Gold
>Red Faction
>Double Dragon Trilogy, Neon is $2
>Call of Juarez
>Heroes of Might and Magic V
>Left 4 Dead 2
>Sniper Elite
>Don't Starve (Together is $5)
>Arma 2, 3 is $7
>Pathologic Classic
>Dishonored (Definitive Edition is $5)
>Sleeping Dogs
>Binary Domain
>Phantom Brave
>Just Cause 3
>EYE Divine Cybermancy
>Original Far Cry
>Beyond Good and Evil
>Zeno Clash 2
>Tropico 3
>Master of Orion 2
>Battlefront 2 (original)
>Jedi Knight, Jedi Knight 2
>Star Wars Republic Commando
>Max Payne, Max Payne 2
>Heroes of Might and Magic 3 HD
>Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut, Mankind Divided is $4
>Counter Strike Complete
>Deponia: The Complete Journey
>Europa Universalis III Complete
>GTA: Vice City
>GTA 3

best games with
a t m o s p h e r e?

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>Tropico 4
>Ducktales Remastered
>Shadowrun Returns and Dragonfall
>Age of Decadence
>From Dust
>Metro, Metro Last Light
>Evil Within, 2 is $8
>Talos Principle, Gold Edition $7
>Morrowind GOTY
>Ys I and II
>Killer is Dead
>Star Wars Battlefront (original)
>Red Faction Guerrila Remastered
>Worms Armageddon
>Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon
>Rogue Legacy
>Metal Slug, 2, 3, X
>Dragon Age Origins Ultimate
>Bulletstorm: Full Clip
>Tales of Symphonia
>Oblivion GOTY
>Original Bioshock, remastered, and Bioshock 2
>Original Dead Space, Dead Space 2
>Bayonetta, Bayonetta + Vanquish is $9
>Stranger's Wrath (heard mixed things about the PC port though)
>La Mulana
>Batman Arkham Knight
>Sunset Overdrive
>Company of Heroes 2
>Mount & Blade
>Sonic Mania
>Resident Evil 4, 5
>Dead Island
>Mirror's Edge
>Styx 2
>Killing Floor
>Banner Saga, 2 is $7
>Contra Anniversary Collection
>Ys Origin, VI
>Bloodstained Curse of the Moon
>Neverwinter Nights
>Bully: Scholarship Edition
>Sims 4
>Castlevania Anniversary Collection
>Mad Max
>Scribblenauts Unlimited
>Dragon's Lair, 2
>Turok, 2 is $7, bundle is $9
>Ori and the Blind Forest
>Another World - 20th anniversary
>Megaman Legacy Collection
>Asscreed 2 Deluxe
>Asscreed Black Flag
>Wolfenstein TNO, 2 is $8
>GTA IV Complete
>Rise of the Tomb Raider
>Dead Space 3
>Spec Ops
>Dead Rising, 2
>Rayman Origins, Legends is $7
>Darkness 2
>Alan Wake Collection
>Police Quest Collection
>Total War: Medieaval/Empire/Napoleon
>DOOM 2016
>Grim Dawn
>Quest for Glory 1-5
>Sakura Dungeon
>Darkest Dungeon
>Sniper Elite 3
>Myst: Masterpiece Edition, and Riven

is battlefield 1 worth 10 bucks or is it dead now?

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>Valkyria Chronicles
>XCOM Enemy Unknown
>Shenmue I + II
>South Park Stick of Truth
>Metal Gear Revengeance
>Fallout NV Ultimate
>Fallout 3 GOTY
>Verminitide 2
>Asscreed Syndicate
>Arma 3
>Age of Mythology
>Bioshock Infinite
>Pillars of Eternity
>Elite Dangerous (free on Epic until 26)
>Enter the Gungeon
>Hollow Knight
>Darksiders II
>Sega Mega Drive and Genesis Classics
>Freedom Planet
>Castlevania Lords of Shadow - Ultimate (2 is $10)
>Tales of Berseria
>Dragonball Xenoverse 2 (originally $50)
>Axiom Verge
>Tales of Zestiria
>Dead by Daylight
>Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
>BlazBlue Centralfiction
>Rabi Ribi
>Onimusha Warlords
>LA Noire Complete
>Fallout 4
>Mortal Kombat XL
>Wasteland Remastered
>Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen
>Sniper Elite 4
>Fable Anniversary (originally 35)
>Far Cry 4
>Okami HD
>Watch Dogs 2 (originally 49.99)
>Ni No Kuni II (originally 59.99)
>Trails in the Sky
>Soul Calibur VI (originally $60)
>Legend of Grimrock 2
>RE 7
>Titanfall 2
>BG2 Enhanced
>Drakensang, 2 is $8
>Torment Enhanced
>Killer Instinct
>Catherine Classic
>Megaman X Legacy Collection
>Shadow Warrior, 2
>Cave Story+
>Ty the Tasmanian Tiger, 2, 3
>Middle Earth: Shadow of War
>Age of Empires 2
>Gears 5
>Europa Universalis IV
>Tekken 7 (originally 39.99)
>Battlefield 1, 4 (originally 39.99)
>Alien Isolation (originally 39.99)
>Dark Souls 2
>Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
>Killing Floor 2
>King's Quest Collections
>Battletoads (unironically)
>Tales of Vesperia is $12 (originally 49.99)
>You can get every Witcher game (including Witcher 3 GOTY) for $20

shadow of war is mad boring and easy. You can literally mash one button and win every encounter, crazy garbage

Crypt of the Necrodancer and Battle Chef Brigade are great. It's worth at this price


There's like 3 different versions on Steam.

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EYE has an excellent atmosphere, even if the actual game is pretty mediocre IMO.

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>mfw there are people who don't stick to "75% off or bust" rule

Also keep in mind that Steam doesn't usually have the best sales as other sites match or outdo their deals once they see them. It's generally just Steam keys in the first place so you can be picky for a few bucks less.

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I need a good 100 hour game until Cybertranny comes out. Give me a good RPG to waste my life in until mid December.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat
which one please help.


too bad i can't sort by discount %

Yeah but you don't get points to buy animated backgrounds from other sites.

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I'm tempted to get some shit, but will probably just do DLC as Humble Choice is coming next and I don't want to refund games for Steambux if it's a duplicate. Christmas sale is just around the corner, anyway.

>he buys that shit instead of giving people awards for good reviews
you make me sick

>Garbage Bundle
but why