Why even play racing games?

Do so many people really don't have cars they can use?

If you have a car, you can just drive it rather than playing racing games!

For God's sake, Gran Turismo and Forza are pointless, at least Mario Kart is so unrealistic i can kinda see why people would play that.

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>OP needs to bait because people aren't even interested in racing games anymore
the absolute state

why play cod shooters when i can just go to syria and shoot niggers myself

sometimes i drive my own car in racing games

Xbox fans care, because Forza is like one of three "exclusive" franchises they have.

Why play Postal 2 when I can go outside and snap the necks of faggots myself

I like Driveclub and that's about it.

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You are now realising the zoomer desire for everything to be a sim and hyper realistic when it comes to cars completely killed the genre.

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This is your brain on busriding.
Go back to where you belong .

when where they ever? racing games have always been nothing more than a display of what a new system can achieve
they're worthless as an actual video game and you're not missing anything if you have never played them

I was about to shit on you opinion, but I'd probably think the same if the only racing games I had experienced were modern simcades.

well? why not?

driving in irl life requires you to buy mtx regularly at the gas station
driving in viddy game is free

I wonder what kind of videogames you play

Fortnite duh.

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For the soundtrack.


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the demand for drifting killed racing games

My car is dead, just like me on the inside

I'm not so sure.

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>Not playing Assetto Corsa with a Fanatec simracing setup and an Index

racing games are fun
cant wait for forza horizon 5

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HP was better for soundtrack. Purely for OST HP > II > porsche > high stakes/road challenge > TNFS.

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Why are you using the retarded speedometer

this is cringe
simcades with gamepad is the way to go
this fake FFB and VR shit is kinda of like the uncanny valley shit
its getting close to real life, but not quite so its off
the physics are there, but you dont have enough feedback so it all kinda feels flat

because I got tired of the big one, and I wanted someone small

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>Dude just drive your own BMW M6 GT3 car IRL
I know this is bait but I'm biting anyway because I like sim racing

Spoken like a true brainlet who has tried neither
Enjoy your open world lootbox simulator

>high stakes/road challenge
Fuck, man, probably one of my favorite tracks to this day youtu.be/o2wdGz3Rk6c Don't care what you guys think but that ost was a blast.

if you have driven a real car you would know that the only feedback isnt what you get back from the steering wheel

and yes I am enjoying my open world simcade with hundreds of cars that you can customize however you want

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doesn't really matter what car it is because even driving a slow economy car down a windy road IRL is much more engaging than anything a simulator can offer

>hurrdurr I don't feel the rear slipping in my ass cheeks that means I'll settle for the lowest common denominator arcade garbage with bingbingwahoo mechanics instead
as I said, absolute brainlet take

>tfw one of your cars is featured in racing games

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mmm yes...

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