So, what canonically happened to Area 51 in Fallout? Will we ever find out after 23 year?

So, what canonically happened to Area 51 in Fallout? Will we ever find out after 23 year?

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Fallout is dead, dude. Do you really want more lore rape from Bethesda? Just let it go.

Tell me what your ideal answer would be.

I was pretty satisfied with the answers provided in the my little pony fallout fanfiction

it's a game laugh at the funny aliens and that's it

i think they all died

kind of a downer

It probably survived the war and there's aliens running around underground.

Gimmie the TL;DR

Fallout Nevada mod has Area 51 location, but I have not explored it yet

He almost talked you into committing a genocide, didn't he? What the fuck was his problem? I mean before the fallout

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>Fallout 1/2
You niggers cannot be serious, half of those games are literal memes, other media references and just fun goofy shit.

Fallout 3/4 might be garbage, but lore autists are ever bit as deserving of death.

t. Pete

Fallout 2 was excessive in that regard, but that's never been a novel opinion. People have been shitting on those parts of it since as long as the game has existed. It was mostly carried by having more things to do than the first game, and the content being pretty fun, even if it was silly. The fist game's tone was entirely consistent. It has easter eggs, but those were rare. New Vegas, other than the gameplay, is the closest to Fallout 1 overall.

Fallout 3 was an incompetent attempt at aping the style of the first two games, made by people who understood none of it. Fallout 4 is about what you'd expect from a sequel to that.

I dunno. Has Area 51 even been mentioned in the franchise?
I feel like if they were going to talk about it at all, itbwould have been in Old World Blues, but obviously Big Mt. isn't Area 51. I don't think they're canonically even near each other. All I recall is Joshua Graham mentioning Big Mt. is near Death Valley and The Divide.
>Not all of them. But they couldn't take 127 north to get around the mountains.
>As if Death Valley weren't enough, they had the Divide and Big Empty to deal with.

It's probably just Vaultec screwing around with genetic research.
The entire franchise is on borrowed time because it's pretty clear vaultec is behind everything.

Doesn't Todd actually have a printed hardback copy of it? I swear I once saw a photo. that what the mlp new vegas radio mod was based off of? What fucking rabbit hole is this

live in blissful ignorance user it's not worth it

Literally impossible. Aliens pushed pony kind over the edge into nuclear war with the zebras. Left alone they would've made peace

Yes. They did a limited run of physical copies. It's also full of weird sex stuff so of course Todd loves it.

Yes, but the books go into absurd levels of detail. There is lore n shit, more complex than anything in the fallout games imo. Stay in blissful ignorance like that other dude said. Especially if you try to read "Project Horizons" the defacto sequel. Basically the guy came off his meds for the last few dozen chapters, it's all fever dream tier.

I always found it weird how New Vegas never had an Area 51 dlc despite being one of the most famous locations in the area.
They even had ‘not-Area 51’ with the Big MT

They probably thought it'd be a retread of Mothership Zeta, I guess.

Alien scouts from Mothership Zeta


thanks sounds gay

didn't have to have aliens as the enemies, just explore it with computers with creepy lore stuff, some in tubes maybe, gmen feral ghouls in suits etc. would've been neat

so just another vault

uh yeah?

>imagine playing Fallout past 2

Anyone but Bethesda having the IP