Play The Sims 4

Play The Sims 4

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But for me, its Katy Perry Sweet Treats.

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it has sex mods

Nah I'm playing The Sims 3. New Sims 4 expansion was boring shit. Not even worth installing.

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So does Sims 3.

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ok but i would like you to link em'

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Why would I play my wife's games.

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Any expansions/packs worth it?

The Saga of Chin Man is pretty good.

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based fag poster
now post cute twinks or traps

Fuck you homophobe.

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Have they added anything new since the garbage star wars expansion?


Waitin for the new repack including the Snowy Escape pack

str8 trash

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Did you make the Indian chick?

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Sapporo winter onsen vacation expansion

3 > 4

Heard there was crashes but looks to be solved now. Not sure if recent updates have been uploaded yet.

who? I use mods so my Sims game have no women

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Nah 4 is better, a shame they dropped the ball with the expansions after the island one

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I don't need mods for sex, incel.

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When is some faggot gonna get this shit working in VR properly

>he is pirating it?.

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>VR mod
>Uncontrollable rollercoaster ride where you are constantly raped by vampires, werewolves, and your dog
>then you have to spend several hours staring at a blank box when you go to school
Not sure if I'd like it.

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I got bored, also my pirated copy somehow ended up in my Origin library and keeps getting updates.

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koikatsu better

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