>PS5: 1440p/60 fps
>Xbox SeX: 1180p/60 fps
LMAO. What happened to 12 TFs?
PS5: 1440p/60 fps
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We dont know yet. On paper, xsx Is great. On practice, yet to see the performance. Also, ubishit Is all around horrible.
I don't see how people still fall for Phil Spencer's bullshit. For 6 years now he's been telling us the games are coming.
>Games are coming
>Cancels most interesting Xbox game
At least it runs smoother now on Series X too.
I bought an xbone for that game.
Thanks a lot Phil.
Bad devs make bad games and me no wanna optimize for xbox dat work me only optimize for piss and port that over to Xbox ez clap
gee i dunno, faggot
idiots buy into marketing very easily and their brand loyalty blinds them
>changed advertisement from most powerful console in the world to most powerful xbox
>promised that games like Gears 5 and Asscreed Valhalla would run at native 4k but actually runs at a dynamic resolution that practically never hits 4k
Fuck Microsoft I fell bad for anyone that fell for their misleading advertisement
why dont devs wanna optimize for xbox?
Don't know.
Maybe the SDK just sucks?
Same. Xbox kinda still worked for me, I got my fill of games, gamepass Is great, but the initial feeling of lmao pranked bro never went away.
>muh graphix
Kill yourself
Game is a piece of shit on any setting anyway
>customizable dragonbro
>Digital Foundry says both have a 1180p floor
>Same video says Series X now has a higher average resolution than PS5 on AC Valhalla compared to the launch version and is probably going to improve further
>my dynamic "non 4k but advertised as 4k resolution" is bigger than yours
consoles retardation truly have no bounds
> when in doubt, blame the devs
it's the same with Capcom's DMC5
Mind giving a timecode for that?
Maybe I just didn't pay attention but all that stuck out to me was that xbox just goes down to lower resolutions than PS5 and they have the same max resolution.
I kneel
It’s different. The PS5 one is the exact same as the PS4.
Microsoft only activated 10 terflops right now
Once they activate the last 2 teraflops its over for sony
Kamiya never made a good game
1 dev. Not plural. Because Ubishit is lazy so optimize for the weaker system and just port it over to the more powerful one
why do you think both versions are literally exactly the same in every way? why do you think the screen tearing was so exaggerated compared to the piss version. because Ubishit didnt optimize for the Xbox. but go ahead and say its cause the Xbox is weaker. you wont be able to say that for very long so get it in while you can before more games get patched to run worse on piss and better on SeX
Didnt they just patch this? How is it running post patch?
>kuckiyma shit
Qtes, a broken dodge mechanic and only 4 hours long. Wowee what a loss
its native 4K in cinematic mode
I watched streams - even PS5 version drops frames. PC won again.
who cares about the stats, that game is ass
Pretty simple really
pretty comfy if you have nothing to play
Ubishit can't optimize their shitty engine. The latest CoD works fine on both consoles.
Both Versions:
>Shaun is now trans race and went from an auburn haired white guy who looked and was voiced by Stephen Merchant and now looks like an arabic dude with black hair and NO ONE IS SAYING JACK SHIT ABOUT THIS.
>Also you sail from Norway to England, and end up in the southwest corner and in the middle of a fucking river heading east. WHAT THE FUCK.
He's lying
Snoys do. They need every trophy they can get, no matter how shit or temporary it may be
CoD is not an open world game with thousands of npcs retard
Holy shit is worse than food analogies.
Of course should have known.
CoD is also playable. Watch Dogs and AssCreed are not. Like i give af how “big” your game is. Its broken, nigga. Point moot
Wait what happened to muh 4k 120fps that consoletards were boasting about?
The patch just dropped the lowest Series X resolution down to 1180.
theres nothing wrong with food analogies, faggot. sorry to hear about your brain cancer
Before the patch, both console ran at practically the same resolution every where, but SeX stutters on some parts. With the patch, those area with stutter now runs at a reduced resolution to compensate.
That was xbox selling point and only few games even try to hit 120fps on xbox.
PS5 actually only has 120fps only in the new CoD I think but I don't think they really advertised it as much as xbox did.
How does it run on PC?
t. GTX 1660 Ti that ran Odyssey on high @50-60fps
whenever devs wanna actually bother optimizing their games
Considering the fact that the new consoles both have laptop hardware from 2012, it should run fine.
>RDNA2 GPU and Zen2 CPU
>laptop hardware from 2012
Console cuck cope
So this is the power of muh tools?