From the same creators of Pokemon

From the same creators of Pokemon

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their games don't sell because of anything but the nintendo name on the box


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I have over 1000 hours in this game. It's really underrated. I love it

Nintendo bonus is real
without it, Pokemon would have forgotten about Pokemon long ago

Their games don't sell because they are completely incapable of advertising them. No one can buy their shit if they don't now it even exists. Was the case with every single game of theirs they put on Steam.

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>Pokemon would have forgotten about Pokemon long ago

Gamefreak are bad developers. They clearly are incapable of making anything other than simple handheld turnbased JRPGs and with Nintendo pivoting to the switch it is all the more apparent. Pokemon the name is keeping them afloat, if pokemon fans had standards GF would've gone under long ago.

Gamefreak keeps trying to develop new games and break out of Pokemon. The problem is that they are incredibly incompetent, and Pokemon only keeps selling because it's the fucking Pokemon.

If you hadn't told me I would've thought Game Freak is a Nintendo subsidiary