Which was the worst game that Zig Forums meme'd you into buying/playing?
>bought Sakuna and after 30H trying to get into the game I decided to stop torturing myself and looking for sell/gift to someone after covid ends
Which was the worst game that Zig Forums meme'd you into buying/playing?
>bought Sakuna and after 30H trying to get into the game I decided to stop torturing myself and looking for sell/gift to someone after covid ends
Also it was for the Switch btw, so yea 60$ down the drain...
monster hunter world
Excuse me, I would like Asuka niggers to leave. This is a Rei exclusive board.. Misatofags are welcome, too.
guy in the shinji costume has the "aspergers face"
who is this
Your mom
Who is this whore?
I also don't get the hype around MW but I never bought it anyways.
I was really excited to Sakuna, too. Genre-mixing games just never work. The hack-and-slash main portion of the game is serviceable, but I wish it was all farming.
your mom
We have hacked switches and pcs. When we reccommend a game we arent actually paying for it.
lol women
Damn she has my BBC acting up......
but you looked right?
what else is she gonna show off? those lacking tits? that man face? hips is all she's got
>hips is all she's got
Not even that.
it really wasn't that good
>incels being butthurt at women 24/7
Incels have the right to be mad.
underage b8
Behold, Mogudan Rei AND Asuka.
Divinity OS. WRPGs after baldur's gate are all nauseating garbage.
Mogudan's art was the only thing that prevented me from downright hating Rei back in the day. Fapping to his art was the only thing that made her tolerable
Baldur gate is shit.
memepantsi or some shit
You could give me a cross selection of a hundred different artists zoomed in only on a single nipple and I would be able to tell you immediately if Mogudan is among them.
>put rei's head on a gargantuan thick 300% offmodel body
>haha rei
also maybe i just have higher standards than you but those tits are fucking deflated balloons. i guess all the girls I've been with have just been good luck not being fucking vomit inducing in the face and breasts.