How come every pokemon game post 2nd gen got progressively worse and worse?

How come every pokemon game post 2nd gen got progressively worse and worse?

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Nah, series peaked with Gen IV and V.

because you can make things up and claim subjectivity when people disagee
ask people who grew up with gens 3-5 if they were better and they will probably say yes

The series has been in a freefall that started with XY

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Good to see the zoomer NPCs arriving early.

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Except those people are wrong

yeah but to those people you are wrong
you have no argument, you're just stating a belief

If those people think I'm wrong, then that just makes them double wrong


objectively true and only nostalgiablind will deny it

>objectively true

>series peaked with Gen IV and V.
Fucking disgusting. Pokemon started shitting the bed at gen 3.

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The objective Zig Forums opinion right there.
Gamefreak refusing to iterate after moving to the GBA signaled the end of the series' relevance.

Physical and Special split in gen 4 is the best improvement Pokemon ever made. If you don't agree with this, go shoot yourself.

That's the problem though.
The "best improvement ever made" was a minor technical point.
Dream bigger ffs.

Basically to me they represent the perfection of the formula without the simplification of the series in the 3d games which you can hear from masuda himself when he talks about focusing on new players. Physical/Special Split had been mended, best balance of battle styles, best map design, and overall great pokemon added. To put it simply, they were the last generations to add more positive changes than negative ones leading to the peak of pokemon

Op here,im trans btw

>I'm too retarded to use moves other than STABs so that means it's the best improvement Pokemon ever made

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>without the simplification of the series in the 3d games

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op here to specify i transitioned from a gen5 cuck to a gen1/2/3 gigachad

gen 4 and 5 also have the worst designs by far

the biggest improvement in gen 4 was fixing the absolutely dogshit movesets most pokemon had in gens 1-3
the p/s split just made the combat more braindead than it already was, the special split was infinitely more important

Gen 5 did start this just to be clear but it's nowhere near the degree of the 3d games which you can see by just looking at the gym leaders on bulbapedia. Gen 6 half of them even at the end of the game have 3 moves on their pokemon

Polished Crystal is peak pokemon

>Gen 5 did start this just to be clear but it's nowhere near the degree of the 3d games
Yeah, you're right, because it's far easier than the 3d games, SM and USUM.

The OU tier pretty much doubled between gen 3 and 4, and I know you're already thinking "Well, it's cuz they added more Pokemon." They only added like 100, and a lot of them were NFE. So, get the fuck out with that excuse. Scizor, one of the best Pokemon of all time from every aspect, had an absolute hayday with the P/S split.

Retarded little kids could still do dumb shit like put Flamethrower on Flareon and beat the elite 4. People who wanted something better than relying on Secret or Hidden Power for their favorites and knew what they were doing were blessed by the split.

Scizor was shit until it got Bullet Punch. Muh split had nothing to do with it being bad you retard.

Gen 4 was the last edition with acceptable design, everything after was irredemable deviantart tier trash.
The world was pretty empty and post-game was a joke but I liked the little features they added for the touchscreen.

5 had genuinely bad designs, including the worst starters, but the games themselves were pokemon at its peak for single player content.

>Gen 4 was the last edition with acceptable design

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Gen 5 was an intermediate era for me. Design wise, the Pokemon were lacking, but it was still good gameplay wise and battle wise.

There was the start of blemishes, I don't think anyone will say the batch of new evolutions for prior-gen pokemon were good.
Like man Electrivire and Magmortar are just so ugly.

user I said acceptable not good.
I would reply to the freak you posted with one of those that still looked good but I don't have Pokemon images saved on my PC like a nerd.

Without a hint of irony, pic realted

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>Gen 2 Scizor's only bug move was fucking hidden power bug, Gen 3 just got silver wind, didn't even have technician back then to capitalize off it
>Gen 2 Heracross would either need hidden power fighting or reversal to capitalize off its fighting stab
>Pinsir didn't get a not hidden power bug move til Gen 4
Gen 4 really did help a lot.

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>Gen 3 not being the point everything went to shit
Literally everything wrong with Pokemon started with Gen 3. Every single gripe or complaint can be traced there. I'm sorry you have nostalgia for it because it was your first, but it was shit.

The series got weaker progressively since Iwata is no longer involved with any of the projects.