
Deltarune thread?
What are your hopes and fears for the release? Where do you think the story will go?

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You can redeem or even romance Berdly
It gets stuck in development hell

I really fucking hope Ralsei stays good, if there's some plot twist where he's evil or something I'll cry

I guess development hell, I think DR was his plan all along if UT took off so he's putting in a lot of effort into it but hopefully he doesn't burn out or something

more fat cat(s)
catti chapter
no more fat cat(s)
toby dies

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Gaster turns out to be just a chill scientist dude, not a villain in any way
Toby codes so hard his fucking hands fall off or become unusable

I just want it to get released. I'm trying to not ascribe any expectations beyond that. I still think Undertale is very close to a perfect game, so I think as long as Toby makes the game and finishes it, I'll enjoy it, as long as I don't go in expecting something specific.
>Where do you think the story will go?
If you want hints, go look at Ralsei's story. It's mentioning shit that'll probably happen in the story.

>play deltarune a week after its released and before gameplays hit recommended videos on youtube
>for some reason ignore ralsei being the "PRINCE" of darkness or some shit
>always thought he was a she
>I hugged ralsei several times because of this
>my female ralsei fetish isnt that popular in fanart

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Every chapter has a crazy fight like Jevil's
Toby pulls a Hussie and somehow shits the bed so hard, the game is forever associated with disappointment and wasted potential

Why didn't he just finish the fucking comic before starting the game....

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based toby dabbing on chill skeledad fanart