What's the best JRPG party of all time?

What's the best JRPG party of all time?

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how is this even a question?

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You posted it.

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I prefer the X party. Honorable mention to Lufia 2 and Golden Sun.

Persona 5

Xenosaga, t.Someone whose played every single jrpg known to mankind

Pretty sure people only care about Cloud,Tifa and Aeristh

Either that one, 10 or XC1

>blocks your path

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I care about all of them except Vincent who is underutilized and Red XIII who is underwritten

>reddit furryshit

quina and the flaming faggot taint this party

Nothing beat the bromance in FFXV


Gay or fujo?

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this. I'm hopeful that the remakes will flesh them out a bit more, at least Red XIII, since Vincent had his own separate game to dive into his story

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have sex, cope, seethe, etc.

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I'll do you one better.

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>death by snu-snu



have birth

Persona 4


easily the worst characters and ugliest character designs of any final fantasy game. But you knew that when you posted

These niggas. RIP Lavitz.

Persona 3