Subverse is getting cancelled

Subverse is getting cancelled.

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This is the "racist" YouTuber in question btw.

Which YouTuber?
I wanna sub

heres your (you)

Racist youtuber? Link so I can sub??

This guy:

Arch Warhammer is a cunt.

They're really pushing the cuck angle huh?

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no u

who cares, you're a cunt as well

This was like that han thing all over again. What a shotshow

His vraks series is kino though, and badab looking very promising.

I don't like cancel culture but studio FOW are fucking garbage and really should just not exist anymore. These dumb nigger paypigs are a bunch of normies who will literally pay for hot garbage when more quality H-games exist.

Back to /r/games/ with you, soiboy.

So what's the gameplay like?

>subverse is crashing and burning

haha fuck cuckshit

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Is he the Warhammer lore youtuber who occasionally puts his dick in the culture war and once did tabletop with Sargon and Vee?

After half a decade of this bullshit I really wished people would wise up about this kind of stuff by now.

>more quality H-games exist.
Like what? Illusion shit with non-existing vaginas? lmao

>For refisomg to be political
Im not clicking that shit, give a tldr

rule #1
never apologize

I've been reading the reddit thread and everyone's calling him a nazi and a pedo, and it's basically because he was posting the Warhammer Emperor memes and once said "loli isn't CP".

I just don't get those people.

Oh god im having a stroke

When will people learn that you NEVER apologize to SJWs?

racist or not, that guy's a cunt and I'm glad people don't like him

Oh no, they bent the knee.

>Paying for PORN

I doubt they apologized, you're taking a journalist's framing at face value. When will YOU learn?

Yeah but you're also a cunt.
The difference being you and your entire ideology are made up of unlikeable cunts while Arch is a likeable cunt.

He's an Australian cunt-equivalent while you're a British cunt-equivalent.

Also they already walked back the apology after remembering who buys their product.
It's not the progs.

They fucking apologized, see

Someone should have told them to stop putting out statements, apologizing to far leftists is a bad idea because it's evidence that you'll bend if they keep pushing (and so they'll continue their pressure).

Reminder that being apolitical or neutral is considered to be right-wing by leftists. That includes every single one of you anons who hates drama/politics. Because neutrality is "supporting the status quo" which they consider to be white male systematic oppression, etc.

Any games publisher who declares that they want no politics in their game is read by leftists as "status quo politics" (everything is political). You can never escape.

I won't help you find them faggot, the games are going to be down to personal taste but there are games out that of MUCH higher quality than FOW trash. There's different threads running 24/7 for different types of games so go do some fucking research.

Except i'm still not buying cuckshit, no matter how hard you try to shill to Zig Forums's bleeding contrarian heart. Cuckshit is still cuckshit. Do a summersault off a 12th story building and stream it you insufferable cunt.

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>conveniently ignoring the time he referred to Gnoblars as "houseniggers"

>says they did not spend any money on any youtube ads
>bending the knee

That's a stretch

So another version of The Quartering then? A fat nerd that isnt racist but makes anti sjw videos (which is a tiring trend) and is there for deemed racist? Cause I also see alot of just nerdy WarHammer stuff

dyslexic ESL retards

They didn't mention politics or any stupid sjw shit in that post. It's PR damage control, nothing more.

oh no hes racist

lets kill him

>RPG Maker grindy trash
>VN with the occasional choice
>Glorified porn video with menus
You're fooling yourself if you think Subverse isn't clearly a step above every other porn game ever made, at the very least in terms of scope and budget

I'm still just waiting for them to release it and every single scene gets put into a webm.

yeah that's him, the worst thing about Arch is that he's shit about researching lore in general. He's extremely shit when it comes to WH fantasy and not much better for his main 40k stuff.
they are calling him a pedo because his Discord mod was a real pedo and he defended him. He's not a nazi but he really wishes he was, I've been a part of his discord for a long time and going by his posts there+my communication with him he's definitely a racist and alt right.


He doesn't like a certain type of people? Well lets ruin his life. That will teach him to stop disliking them.

Why is the western porn scene filled with so many lefties? Out of curiousity I followed some dev for a game and saw his tweeter feed flooded with BLM shit, lgbt, and stuff like that. This goes for all the other devs they followed as well

I've only ever found one western dev that 100% browsed this shithole.

>scared of beans

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>a group that got famous for rape scenes by animators who got famous for underaged scenes is not 'woke' enough
What kinda clown world bullshit is this?

This looks like a post from a honest and un-biased person

This guy is a racist though lol. Wasnt he crying about some black people being in Warhammer?

Name a SINGLE nonCensored Japanese """Game"""
Pro-tip, you FUCKING CANT
Their models are still cuter though.

If they don't follow they get attacked. Even if they already get attacked for doing porn as is


there are other devs that browse here but that doesn't necessarily make us anti-LGBT, anti-black or whathaveyou.

>using a baby Yoda meme

Facebook is that away kiddo

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When is the game coming out? Wasn't it supposed to release summer 2020? Did they also use the covid excuse?

Wut? How is that racist at all?

of course I'm biased, I've watched 99% of his videos and actually talked to him

I hate nigs and fags.