Reminder that everything that's wrong with the gaming industry is due to capitalism

reminder that everything that's wrong with the gaming industry is due to capitalism

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Someone will now proceed to say humans can only create and invent shit under a capitalist economy despite that being historically and factually false

Everything that's wrong with everything is due to capitalism, though.


>people keep complaining about capitalism
>ask them what system we should use then

Deal with it, you fucking retards

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yeah move to commie countries!
North Korea is such a gaming paradise with the best game made... oh wait

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>implying socialism and communism is somehow better

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quit your school. you are being brainwashed into complete bullshit for your own money, you are getting scammed like a sucker

i dont get it

Video games would literally not exist under communism you fucking retard. Rope yourself.

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the Soviets made Tetris, the greatest game ever made

The gaming industry wouldn't exist without capitalism retard

No its because of Jews and niggers like you

Since Cuba, Venezuela and NK are such a gaymedev powerhouses, I think I've been btfo

Where's that other panel with Waluigi crying for the Police when right wingers/random boomers with guns rock up to counter protest?

The soviet union, notorious for having made zero forms of any entertainment.

No films, no plays, no video games, because communism is when you didn't make Mario.
Fucking moron.

Right, but the amount of shit created and invented has gone up astronomically since capitalism, and non-capitalist countries couldn't keep up. If nations were animals, and subject to the laws of evolution, capitalism would be having thumbs: It's not a guarantee you're going to evolve the ability to use tools, but your chances are much higher.

Venezuela is capitalist, just a shitty one

>america is capitalist country right now

But to be honest, companies usually go to shit once they enter stock market. Investors think in short time periods, have even shorter patience and demand results immediately.

Being anti capitalism and buying video games make you a hyprocrite

My school is teachinng me various ship systems and their operation as well as providing internships aboards ships and factories. What are they brainwashing me on?

Communism is merely big capitalists permanently establishing dominance over the state, and making people complete products, aka. units of [whatever is secular and trendy at the moment].

Also notorious for lining up people against the wall and shooting them and starving people to death you commie dipshit. Fuck off.

>buying video games

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>What is Tetris
Nice try reddit frog.

They want to turn you into a gay sailor. Drink only water you filtered yourself.

yes only ones commissioned by the government. You HAVE to get approval for a movie you can't just make one like EvilDead Or Blair Witch. The creator of Tetris had to smuggle it out of the country.


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So... just like in socialism

China is making more gacha games than any country in the world.

>The creator of Tetris had to smuggle it out of the country.

The fuck are you on about retard, the Soviet Government owned the license to tetris, it was made while he was working for them. It wasn't some secret project he had to keep for fear of getting sent to the gulag.

> not a real communism
It never is. Who knew that reaching a theoretical utopia is in practice impossible and usually leads to disaster.
You could as well argue that there are no real capitalist countires in the world because each has some form of market regulations.

Plebs get filtered by cheap propaganda. Always do, always will.

Plumbers are skilled tradesmen who can easy make well north of six figures in business for themselves, and spend a lot of their time fixing neglected pipework in the decaying government housing of welfare parasites. There is no fucking way they would support socialism.

>no state
Top zuzu
Choose one, nigger

>Durrr hurrrr durrr, state curated Soviet entertainment is better than what we ha e today durrr hurrr ddurr hurrr.
Don't care faggot. I would much rather spend my shekels on a Mario game than consume Soviet """""entertainment"""".

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I have a challenge for you. Name one (1) group of people of 1000 or more that have succesfuly reached REAL COMMUNISM (tm) (C).

Idiots buying the same game every year, spending 200 bucks on lootboxes and wasting money on shit games in general is the fault of capitalism.

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Tetris only found success because it was smuggled out of Russia and allowed to flourish under a capitalist system.

Marxists ruined the western gaming industry.

What tends to happen is people who are against "capitalism" apply the word to anything they don't like and use that commentary as a criticism of the modern western free market, whose problems largely stem from globalism, not from capitalism itself.

Line up fucking subversive scum against the wall sounds pretty based to me.

Putting a bullet Hillary Clinton must be one of the best forms of stress release imaginable.

No, I'm arguing that it's literally not, by historical definition, communism, which would imply a communal society where the very presence of a regulatory state is unnecessary and thus the state is dismantled, despite that being utopic or not

We're talking about socialism, or rather its numerous failures to reach abovementioned communism

That is because of brand recognition and the general populous being too stupid to differentiate product quality.


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None because communism is an ideology born from Marxs inability to convey that he wanted to return to monke.

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Nice, I sure love some entertainment approved by the Bureau and thoroughly checked by state officials for any sign of naughty thoughts not approved by the Supreme King of Gommunizm.

The average person will always be retarded, I'm sure the industry would be fucked up no matter what system we lived in.

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One guy made it and NOA helped him get properly paid and recognized for it. Capitalism made better versions of it anyways.