Why is this quest so shit? It reminded me of FO3 garbage
>Has nothing to do with the main game
>Premise is retarded
>Overuse of fetch quest
Why is this quest so shit? It reminded me of FO3 garbage
Filtered. Everyone agrees this is one of the most memorable side quests in the game apart from you, user. How does it feel to be a complete retard who will likely always have shit taste?
>being this wrong
>being this mad
>being this wrong
>being this mad
Did you even get a reward outside of XP?
Hate that quest. Always just kill them all.
I never got whether they were supposed to be going into space or just landing somewhere on earth. I mean they wear spacesuits and say the human guy can't go with them which implies space but they then just fly horizontally even with the course correction you make
Plus if they are going to space which fucking planet are they going to?
Also, I just replayed this, why does everyone complain about the ghoul kid in the fridge quest, but is fine with the little Yangtze ghouls being trapped in an internment camp for 200 years with no food?
Sounds like OP didn't even just go postal and massacre the place when the quest filtered him.
I really like the Nightkin part and the Ghoul hiding in the rafters.
I just don't get normies playing these games. I saw a normie friend playing fallout 4 on release and he was complaining about how hard it was and how he kept running out of ammo and dying. I watched him play for like a minute and said "you know you can take ammo and guns off the dead guys, right? And all those boxes have stuff in"
I guess it just didn't occur to him to look in them even though it tells you to
He would also only do exactly what a quest told him. I said there might be stuff in that building or cave but he said he's doing a quest right now. Maybe he hadn't found that the world only revolves around you in these games so he thought he had to do each quest immediately
Just the radiation resistant space suit which is handy for going into some radiation heavy locations early game.
how old is he? if you say anything above 13 I'll laugh
but to be fair, fallout 4 was basically marketed as a FPS and a lot of normies woh weren't into the series was introduced to it with 4