Be honest

You already regret buying this

Attached: lel.jpg (1920x1080, 335.35K)

>He didn't stop at Legion

Nah it's a good expansion.

As someone that quit during dull period (when wasn't it dull), I sincerely doubt this expansion could be worse/void of content on the same scale as BFA.

I'm loving it so far. The setting is probably the best Warcraft has been in a long time. Reminds me of the old Burning Crusade days in terms of how alien everything felt after being grounded on Azeroth for so long.

>implying I bought the tranny shit

Attached: 1606258236971.webm (720x480, 2.9M)

Not at all, because I didn't purchase it.

Not at all but torghast is infuriating sometimes. Way too much "whoops you're dead and you don't know why" bullshit or everything is a breeze and the boss suddenly destroys you. Mind you it's so early and my ilvl is shit and I'm not a tank so it makes sense

Yes. Doing the same meaningless task over and over.

Yes, the writing is ABSOLUTE GARBAGE. It's so, so bad. I don't even understand how someone could possibly get paid for writing Shadowlands' story and characters.