The absolute fucking state of FGO

The absolute fucking state of FGO
It got completely dethroned by Genshin Impact.

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The only good game on the list is still top 5. Who cares about the rest?

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lmao you're even worse than gachafags

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>iOS only
>unironically gloating about one shitty mobile game making more money than another

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>casual openworld game for coomers beats story rich VN for people without ADHD

>not for coomers
Also lmaoing at (You) implying that FGO's story isn't hot trash.

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>Oh no, this multibillion dollar scam is getting less money and is now only making ONE BILLION dollars a year, how will it recover

Even as a gachabrain I find you retarded, OP.
Numberwanking to the profit of gambling simulators is for investors and CEOs and you are probably neither.

there is not a single good game here so i don't care who wins because they're all losers in my eyes

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does fate even have gameplay? I never see anyone talk about playing the game, just opening card packs or some shit

It's really bad and only there for you to see the janky animations of your waifus.