Discord is a gaming chat program

>discord is a gaming chat program

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Stop joining trash server you retarded zoomer
Also stop having a trash PC

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>using chink bloatware.

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How much shit do you have open on discord


Discordtrannies should be lined up and shot

Holy shit

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im in like 7 servers

i'm in like 2

kek did you not know you're getting datamined

that explains why i get ads and youtube recommendations for stuff i say in discord chats.
not joking, i swear they share info with google

yeah they do sell data. how do you think they remain """free"""

You'd be surprised how many things track you, Google is just the most obvious one.

It's not a furry erp program?

>openly admits to be a literal spyware
do wintoddlers really?

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i've been TRYING to get my friends into teamspeak but they adamantly use spyware

I'm only in a single server with my friends and it's still using a retarded amount. This shit is garbage

i've been TRYING to get my friends into proprietary_garbage#1 but they adamantly use proprietary_garbage#2
come on now

>2201 results
How many times did your server said the word "Nigger"?

Is IRC dead enough to be cool again?

still better than skype

Discord is by far the best chat program vidya has ever had. It has come with its fair share of community problems and rampant tranny brigading, but let's not act like it isn't the Xfire or Vent we've always wanted. Why is this so hard for Zig Forums to accept?

But Skype had all of my ex nudes

use mumble. teamspeak is bad also

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So this is power of chromium engine...

nah xfire was better

I think I only accept it cause my friend got me off skype to use it when it came out.

Discord sells chat logs to the SPLC. If you ever become a problem to anyone important, they'll have the SPLC check logs linked to your name/emails/connection and search for "hate crimes" like telling a tranny to fuck off and stop posting their oozing wound

xfire + ventrilo was all I ever needed