You DID play at least one game of the best stealth franchise, right user?
Hitman thread
Chase Sullivan
Parker Wood
I played all of them
Wyatt Martinez
I kneel!!
Nathaniel Gray
I played most but I still didn't manage to get through Silent Assassin, I just find it painful.
Contracts and Blood Money are still the best.
Isaiah Torres
I played blood money, absolution, reboot and reboot 2. Had a lot of fun with all of these, though absolution was the nose flawed.
John Flores
David Price
I played all of them, and read both of the novels and the comic. Get on my level scrub
James Nelson
qrd on the novels?
Matthew Reed
I remember playing the demo for C47 at roughly 15fps on win98. Good times
Joshua Ortiz
>the best stealth franchise
funniest shit I'll probably read all day