Phoenix Point

is it worth playing now?

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Not really.

Do you want to play Xcom but better? Then yes. Inb4 a million butthurt Xcom fans, the series killed itself the moment it became about customised elite units you never lost and stopped being xcom.

It's like you took the original X-com and then made it the most bland thing imaginable.
It feels like a slog to play.

lol no

You never be a real baiter

Isn't this the game by the devs who gloated about "still being in the black" thanks to the Epic exclusive deal after their backers threatened to pull out?

Play openxcom instead.


Attached: x-piratez.png (638x401, 60.24K)

whats the appeal of xcom games
they look like the most boring, uninteresting garbage
>wooow dude I love having a 15% chance to hit a guy in point blank range
>wooo dude I love spending 4 turns just moving
>3 human guys vs 4 aliens, what an epic battle