Does your favorite character being bottom tier ruin it for you?

Does your favorite character being bottom tier ruin it for you?

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this tier faggotry has to stop

>Roll him
>Fucking around with less than ideal gear on domains
>ult up all bring down the meteor every 13 seconds.
I'm thinking he's really good but for the same reasons ventis good.

So I'm thinking

no i'm a low tier god

Yes, genshin rates and primogen distribution are too terrible for a 5* to be comparable to a 4*

Nah. Cool animations, makes mining an almost literal snap, nice coat, and most importantly, he has a spear.

I rolled him and even though I don't have the materials to work with him right now (because I got Keq 20 rolls before him) I'm happy I got him. He is stylish as fuck and I love that about Genshin. His animations are Fish/Xiang-tier.

He is also bottom

Someone I know spent $100 to pull this guy and get 80 dupes. Why do people spend money on this shit again

I spent money on the game because I've been playing it nonstop for 2 months and I believe that merits a paycheck. I don't spend much otherwise and they did a good job to earn my money.

the fire bitch looks cool but is so boring to play.- feels like she brings nothing to the table

Agree. I wish I could see my play time because I'm a subscriber of the $1/hr mentality.

got this fgt and his spear yesterday, not even going to bother leveling him until some youtuber autist proves hes worth it

He's the most badass looking bottom tier and that's all that matters.

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Isn't she basically a fire Razor? She'd probably do well in Abyss 12 if she got geared for it.

I feel the same about that play timer.

Right but like, why does someone spend $100 to get the same items over and over again for a chance at something rare? Do the dupes have value?

Is Zhongli at least stronger than GeoMC as a carry?

>bottom tier
When I trialed him he definitely felt weak as a carry, but as a support he looks monstrously good.

i don't have razor, but she seems more likea fire noel with the focus on shields? i wish her ult was actually cool, like getting af ire guitar as a weapon or some shit

Use Ning as DPS and John Lee as support

Based nikki gang

Why the fuck is that faggot's jacket so overdetailed and overdesigned

Is the Genshin character designer a woman? Everything in that kusoge looks like a fucking filthy woman designed it.


The dupes are not worthless, even if they might not be what you're after. The 3-star stuff is undeniably padding but almost any 4-star item/character can find its place in your team eventually. It's undeniable that you're gambling for the best reward, but the sub-rewards can still be worth it.

Fire Noelle could also be pretty hot. Right now I just want Xinyan because I want every character eventually.

What do you mean dupes? Dupes of the 5*. If you get another copy it unlocks sub stats that are sometimes worth getting. All of OPs image constellation for dupes look not worth it though.

Yep. You can build him physical too but ideally just treat him like Venti.

I main beidou, so it doesn't bother me too much. got zhongli and he's great fun, but I do hope they end up buffing him or reworking geo to be more up to snuff

By dupes he means the 9 blue weapons you get per average 10-roll.

He has cool spear animations though what a waste.

he's as good as xiangling with crescent pike, so he can work as a physical dps

Triggering crystallize should give you a small shield of that element or something. I dont think they should increase their damage because it makes sense that GEO is the defensive element.

They should also make more fights about surviving for a long time instead of just DPS

well they either need to buff geo, or change the game since everything is a timed dps check. I think it's easier to buff geo


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Yes. Not because it's a what others think kind of thing but that if a character is bottom tier then it is noticeably worse than everyone else to anyone looking at it objectively.

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I mean you can build him that way but there are better characters for it obviously. Spear users suck at dps until Xiao it looks like. Hell he might even suck too.

Venti is good for his burst true, but it's not his burst damage that's good. Venti's burst is good because of how it interacts with other characters.

Zhongli's burst doesn't interact with anything. The damage isn't completely terrible, but it's not really good either.

Typically no, but for Genshin, nah I just gotta dump them. There is simply too much grind involved for me to try to experiment.

What your saying makes no sense. Venti's burst is good because of the CC, the damage is probably less than Zhongli typically, though very comparable. Venti's swirl picks enemies up though so melee can't even attack them. Zhongli's burst keeps them on the ground which is kind of better, and it has a shorter cooldown. He's got worse CC than Venti but more damage(keep in mind his E ticks constantly) and offers a shield.