A screenshot of Bluesky's Super Mario animated film has leaked
A screenshot of Bluesky's Super Mario animated film has leaked
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>Mario, Luis y Jose
Looks good.
Kinda looks like don bluth.
Honestly looks amazing, reminds me of those old 80s cartoons/movies
>columbo fursona
The Mario movie is by Illumination, not Blue Sky.
And neither of them have ever done 2D movies.
>this animation style will never, ever come back because it takes more effort to do than to shit out 3D model garbage
This is why movies after 2009 are a joke
based and bluthpilled
Yeah it's a furry artist deliberately emulating Blyth.
I remember when these first made the rounds a bunch of people whined about him wasting his talent on mostly furry shit.
Reminder Bluth only made one good movie (the one you picked) and the rest is absolute trash.
You don't mean to imply that the OP is lying, do you? Do you really think people would do that?
You must be a joy at parties...if you were ever invited to them
I wouldn't go that far. If you ask me, Land Before Time is a quintessential children's movie (so it's understandable why you wouldn't care for it anymore) while American Tail and All Dogs To Heaven have some good bits going for them. Everything beyond that however is mediocre or abject trash, but at least they had decent animation, we don't even get that these days.
>Mario looks like Cpt. Lou
>Luigi in highwater pants and striped socks
>Yoshi in red hightops
It's got so much fucking character.
And it'll never be real.
>only now remember getting a boner from mrs brisby without her cape when i was a kid
Man, my life really is just a guy falling off his motorcycle the moment he gets on it because he forgot to put out the kickstand.
>don bluth is going to die before finishing Dragons Lair
Nobody asked
Those are the most Mexican looking Italians I've ever seen.
style reminds me of Dinosaurs in new york
This artist really got those disgusting gigantic Don Bluth lips down perfectly. I always hate how a lot of his characters look and move.
More like spicghetti.
this my same feeling everytime i see a furry in youtube and more cringe if is a tranny too
Land Before Time is better than Nimh, you stupid bitch.
Why does luigi have long ass hair?
A decade and a half later, still hate furries just as much as ever.
CalArts despises Don Bluth for his style of animating. His movies are classics, but he leaves the writing to be secondary to the animation itself, so a lot of his movies just absurdly come to an end, or don't know where they're going to begin with.
Is that ron jeremy?
these are hideous
this is why I never watch western shit