Fact: Gaming needs more gatekeeping

Fact: Gaming needs more gatekeeping

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Fact: OP is a faggot

Honestly aside from Automata fags & soulsfags every other mainstream game this decade is only liked by mindless sheep who have a mental breakdown when confronted with flaws of their game. You can easily tell when they are unable to respond with why they think the game is good without spamming buzzwords or ad-homieum like sales or journo awards

Everything needs more gatekeeping desu

Trump lost

Case in point. 99% of popular games only got popular because they streamlined it to the bare minimum to make it accessible to brainlet normalfags. Indie games are where good games are, but they are niche because they aren’t piece of shit babby games

This was a problem since 2007 zoomer newfag. Movies continually get more gatekeeping outside IMDB, Trannyera & Plebbit. Whereas gamers get more & more braindead, outright cultlike whenever someone isn’t a braindead consoomer who mindlessly eats whatever shit a big company releases

none of you retards know how to properly gatekeep

reminds me of a certain cringe thread

So sheep migrated from movies to games due to a shift in gatekeeping?