Is anyone else playing it? I'm about an hour into it, and the changes they made to the combat are fucking great.
Atelier Ryza 2
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What does it feel like to be with a real woman?
Wait, it's out?
salty coins and milk
Yeah, console release came out in nipland.
I thought this shit was only coming out in January, wtf?
>nip version
Why the fuck haven't you guys learned Japanese yet? It literally takes a year max to be able to play these games, they're marketed towards something even a 8 year old could read
xbox port when?
Trophies are in English already, too. Wasn't expecting that.
I could spend effort to learn a year of Japanese and then have to import a console game or I could wait less than 2 months and pirate it for free on PC.
Is it any good on the switch?
That town looks comfy.
The Skill Tree is pretty cool, not what I was expecting based on earlier games though.
you act like ryza is the only game out there. There's countless japanese only games
It's nice.
now to be with a native asian woman? it's like having a living onahole that rarely ever talks or has any opinions
And none of them are worth learning a language for.
>Replaced in Ryza's team
>Was only confirmed to even show up as a glorified named NPC in the game a few weeks before release
What did she do to get shitcanned so hard
Mail bride service recommendations?
>The game won't let you upskirt characters in photo mode, they will disappear if you can see too much
Fucking gay
Hello, I'm learning Japanese, little over a week in. Anyway, how does shiru- translate to tree? Sorry for scrub question.
Good. Work for your pantyshots you lazy fuck
I thought it was シ not ツ
thank you!
haha, that's our rean!
based Rean!