Tfw gtx 970+ I7 7700K for another year

>tfw gtx 970+ I7 7700K for another year

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>didn't even have a chance this morning

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Ugh it's much too hot today.

>GTX 1080 and i7 8700k
is ok

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>tfw 1070 & 7700K (delid)

feel no need to change as I play at 1080p

>tfw 6700K & 1070 for two years
>Maybe 3

I like 1080p, will be set for years to come

9700K and 2070S. I think a serious argument can be made for me being retarded.

>i5 4460
>gtx 750

same and still able to play everything up to current year

3950x & VII

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>980 since 2015
>Managed to get a 3060ti this morning
still only have a 4790k

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Going from 900 series to 1000 must've felt good for you guys. A big leap. Meanwhile nvidia has been stuck for 2 series with 8gb vram

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1060 and i7-8700k 3.70. I forget when I got it, 2017 or 2018.

Until I escape 1080p I don't see a big reason to jump ahead.

gtx 970 + 4790k here. I hardly ever play high end games anymore so it doesn't bother me that much. When I do it feels like I only need a hardware upgrade to make up for developer incompetence. Nier Automata looks like it could have been made in the source engine and I still had to drop down to 720p to get playable framerates.

>i7-7700k + 1080ti
I just want to upgrade my PC mang

>6400 and 1070
>still going great at high

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yeah it was stellar
I've played at 1440p and it's stellar but my eyesight is dogshit so I stick with 1080p

We can last 3 more years, 970 bros. I just finished Death Stranding and the performance was pretty good all throughout.

>1660 Super and Ryzen 5 3600
How long will I last bros?

at 1080? another generation

>3090ti SLI
feels good man

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>9080 Graphics Humper Ultimate

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i still have an i5 2500k and i think its time to upgrade it, should i bother with another 1155 processor or upgrade my motherboard, id really not like to bother with trying to find out what all my settings and files were when using a new motherboard

>1060 6GB
We're gonna make it. At least for a few more years

>GTX 1060 3GB
>i5 4590
>Only use it to play MGSV and Unreal Tournament 2004

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based 1080p bros

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Get fucked, get cucked.

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>mfw 3700x and 2080super

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Imagine being poor

nice pits

Imagine wasting money on cards that have poor price/performance. You're a retard if you think that the 70, 80, or 90 are worth the money they cost. Just because I have the money, doesn't mean I'm going to frivolously spend my money on shit that isn't worth it.
