Sony won

Sony won

Xbox is losing

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Shouldn't you say Sony is winning, if you're going to say Xbox is losing?
Or if you're going to say Sony won, shouldn't you have said Xbox lost?
You fucking dumb ESL.

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Kys xturd

dont care still buying an Xbox Series X

I play on PC. Kill yourself.

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>Console faggotry

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>wooooah, my shitty Sports Call of Duty machine is better than your Sports Call of Duty machine

Fucking pathetic. Just kill yourself Snoy. You abandoned Japan, and what does that leave you with? Nothing. You have nothing. Except shitty soulless sports games, Call of Duty, and some tranny movie games. Congratulations.

>memeing about a week of sales when your "winner" is out of stock and will be for several months
snoy are just spineless liars, plain and simple.

no gaems

holy cope

>buh-buh sale numbers are fake and muh snoy is lying
Unironically kill yourself xtranny

I'm waiting for the dust to settle before pulling the trigger.

>xbox main selling points is that it can play old games
What the FUCK was MS thinking?

Not really looking to buy a new console but PS5's "hot exclusives" ara a remake of a 10 year old game and a overpriced expansion.

Xbox launched with no games

Your company is literally based out of the degeneracy capital of the world nowadays...

Sony shitskins are at it again

Neither released global sales number. Who the FUCK is dumb enough to believe this clickbait crap?


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Fucking desperate man.

Yeah, that's still more new games than shitbox. Check gemtasu anyway, ps5 have more exclusives incoming compared to xbox's 0 games.
Cope xcuck

>Cope xcuck
>No intelligent response except more blind loyalty
I also dont own either, faggot.

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>all that hardware sold at a loss
>scalpers hold majority of the hardware
>software sales are complete total shit thanks to scalpers
lmao, they are not making much at all

Honestly, why would you even buy an Xbox? PS5 has the better western and Japanese games. Xbox literally launched with nothing but at least you can play games from 10 years ago, right?

>go into thread to get angry for no reason
>get btfo from 2 words
Wow you showed me


Stop with this fucking bullshit.
>muh xcuck
I have a PS4 Pro and I'm waiting to get a Ps5 because I'm not so dumb to buy consoles day one.

I dont think you even know what that means. But keep sucking Jim Ryan's dick. Im sure you'll get that check in the mail soon.

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i have pc which does everything a hexbox does but better
ps5 has exclusives, and if theyre good enough i will eventually buy a ps5

Both are sold out though which is pretty impressive for Xbox launching with zero games. Wait a few months when they can restock and then laugh when PS5 will continue to sell and Xbox doesn't. As for the double amount it is impressive on it's own because the PS4 sold more than double the number of the Xbox. So Series only selling half of the PS would be actually an improvement and competition would made life better for every customer. Sadly I doubt Xbox can keepp up in the long run.

My first response itt was here
. What exactly am I projecting? Lmao, learn the definition before exposing yourself for how fucking dumb you are
Pfft, if you're getting worked up over "xcuck" id say you pretty much got blown the fuck out

MS will have Halo when sales start to slow. having launch games are unironically the wrong play when you can boost sales with them later

>Both are sold out though which is pretty impressive for Xbox launching with zero games
That's not impressive. That's a bad sign for the industry.