>game uses non linear story telling and requires multiple playthroughs to piece the plot together
Game uses non linear story telling and requires multiple playthroughs to piece the plot together
Jesus, what's wrong with his face?
Why does that guy do a throat-slitting motion?
MgsV could’ve done this so well.
I don't understand anything on that dumb gif, but they look like a bunch of absolute faggots.
I don't understand a fucking thing this is trying to convey, I don't even get the basic narrative. Did the blonde weird face get mad? Why? Why do they both make hand motions? Why does the other guy turn around? What is happening?
Why are zoomers like this? Are they even human?
>plebs don't understand this intricate storytelling
honestly pity them a bit
What the fuck.
Red signals to the first guy that passed to kill the guy he is walking with, unfortunately for red, the guy he is with had this scouted and immediately calls in backup to foil the assassination. Red realises he has been caught, and begs for forgiveness while his friend does a "joker face".
It's Indian joker.
do be
gogo fligugigu
go fligugu
ho eh
>red shades ordered his assassin to kill creepy face
>creepy face anticipated his move and came prepared with a plan on his own
Someone on Zig Forums was autistic enough to understand:
The first guy is pretending to be jokers friend, but he signals for his cronies to kill joker. However, joker signals for his cronies to stop the other guys who then assault him, because he was two steps ahead.
Honestly I don't understand tiktok and everything my girlfriend tries to show me on it is fucking retarded but indian tiktok seems amazing.
3rd world zoomers are much worse
lmao hair
You both got it wrong faggots. Red jacket overstepped the jokers authority by signaling the hit on the first place. Joker takes care of it and red jacket realizes he fucked up
>game requires multiple playthroughs
Lmao. Thanks, user.
who is kojima of indian tiktok ?
based, I use tiktok to scout and masturbate to little girls.
That's how I met my gf too
too low IQ to understand Indian Joker™
He looks like a clown alright.
Thank you anons it now makes sense, and I'm glad cuz it was bugging the hell out of me
More Indian kino
this ones easy to get but still cringe
Why does red-shirt guy try to kill Indian Joker?
How come none of the Indians in my it department have hair like that
poo tiktok still better than western
they had beef in the past and he's making his moves now
T. Red jacket
cringe. I hope everyone who has a tik-tok account dies in agony.
That's like winning the special Olympics, but ok, whatever.
he's got some moves ngl
Why do indians looks so meek?
>I use tiktok to scout and masturbate to little girls
any tips on how to do it asking for a friend in minecraft haha
unironically is this kpop choreography? I swear I have seen it from a girl group
He's gotta be fucking around right. Someone put him up to this
Indian joker is a power fantasy. It's a guy acting out situations who shows absolute control over events. Indian Joker is incredibly powerful and vengeful, all the situations in his videos are designed to make him look invincible, as far as I know, there is no overarching narrative.
>indians making me want to install tiktok
fuckin hell
Is this guy related to Bogandoff?
Tiktok joker is fucking hilarious. It's a shame tiktok got banned in india but these poos will figure something out
It's WAP. Now go look that up and culture yourself.
That's not even Indian Joker's final form.
is there a 3h movie with indian joker?
Based as fuck
>my girlfriend
Get. Out.
he's known retard
incredibly based
it's from WAP
wow it went from based to cringe really quick. I thought it was Stellar's vibrato:
Is this what it feels like to be a literal boomer? I don't understand internet memes anymore/ I get it's an Indian meme, but I just don't understand Twitch memes or TikTok memes. I'm only 27.
Absolutely based, holy shit!
I didnt think stinky indians could be based but here I am proven wrong.
Oh shit nigger, it's Indian GigaChad.
I assume they are in some position of power in an Indian crime syndicate because they have men willing to kill for them (and of course the Joker being a famous comic book gangster). Red was trying to making a power move but he fucked up.
I get it, he's coming back from the designated shitting street .
wtf is that jacket? He's losing it now that the weather is getting chilly
Literally the most based thing I've seen all day.
>Is this what it feels like to be a literal boomer? I don't understand internet memes anymore
that's pretty PogCringe of you gramps
You wouldn't say that to his face you fucking CHUD cowards
why are white men like this
this is a million times better than some streetshitting inbred with dyed hair, I cant stop laughing
I think it's the wet ass pussy dance, chicks at my job were doing it the other night.
Dude on left signals the passerby to eliminate dude on right
Dude on right sends his boys to take care of the passerby
Dude on right disowns dude on left, assuring that the script has flipped and dude on left is done for
He is openly bisexual (gay)
These are ironic, right?
post the Zig Forums edit
i love this guy
>knows exactly how to pop his ass out
there's no way this guy isn't taking bbc on the regular
These are the people calling you chud on the cunny threads
>that slow ass punch
And of course he's a leftie. He'd lose his faggot smile in the blink of an eye.
Way to fall behind, old man. Bet you still play ps2, you fat faggot
holy fucking based
When he does the grin at the end he looks almost exactly like that one millennial australian political/comedy youtuber who pops up time to time
>as far as I know, there is no overarching narrative.
Need to step their shit up. Maybe introduce indian Batman
i think
how did that get me so hard?
give me indian tik tok any day holy shit I stopped watching in a fit of rage
he listens to sweater weather :point_right: :point_left:
hes lowkey based
dont you mean warhammer 40k enthusiast?
>wet ass pussy dance,
Excuse me what?
dangerously based
streetshitters really do think their samefagging isnt obnoxiously obvious huh
funny thing is that everyone in that webm is a fulltime simp for girls like every streetshitting beta
What kind of varmit is this?
where do you work at?
Is this one of the more risque groups? Haven't been to /kpg/ in forever.
wait 6 months until it gets to your 3rd world shithole
>person A (red) and person B (brown) walking together
>A signals person C to kill B
>B signals D and E to kill person C
>A begs for forgiveness to B
the wap dance
WAP Dance compilation
naw, they're disbanded by now. they weren't big back when they were around either, but I think that their members are cute. Ironically all the members are still unmarried too.
you'd be too scared to even show your face here if vee had flags like it should
A bar