Thoughts on the reboot...

Thoughts on the reboot? Do you think they could have the influence to bring back the FUN and lighthearted atmosphere that the gaming industry once had?

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You really think in the current atmosphere with how hard developers are pandering to anything remotely non white non hetero trans etc. that a TV show RUN by people in those areas would know anything about not spewing some woke crap and just have fun?

Needs Mommy Morgan Webb tiddy pls, otherwise it'll just suck again

Its going to be worse than G4 was at its end.

She was single handedly responsible for my sexual awakening

There is literally no reason for it to exist and it's going to fail.

There is nothing of value that could come from this.

I hope there’s more of Morgan webb she is still pretty hot.

Would you rather have youtubers and streamers continue being the industries largest influencers? It takes only a small group of people to alter the overall atmosphere of an industry, and frankly, I'd rather have anyone else step up and try to make a move to shift peoples attitudes to something more lighthearted and less serious. Everything just seems shrouded in pessimism and hostility that it's really tiring to see

This. The current climate doesn't allow for fun the way it used to.

>Everything just seems shrouded in pessimism and hostility that it's really tiring to see
Modern G4 is gonna be exactly what you described.

>I can predict the future
I don't know, maybe i'm just more optimistic and hopeful than the rest of Zig Forums, but go figure. No surprise there.

>Would you rather have youtubers and streamers continue being the industries largest influencers?
Yes? You actually think a corporation producing content is better than streamers and youtubers who have more control over what they create? Retard

>Do you think they could have the influence to bring back the FUN and lighthearted atmosphere that the gaming industry once had?
Absolutely not. You know for a fact its gonna consist of Silicon Valley soiboys and dangerhairs spreading their lefty rhetoric and unfunny dad tier jokes which to their eyes will pass for "humor".

the two best G4 girls

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>I don't know, maybe i'm just more optimistic and hopeful than the rest of Zig Forums, but go figure. No surprise there
I can't predict the future but I can predict G4's future and so can anyone else. Your bright eyed optimism is annoying.

name me 3 channels in modern times that do a mix of entertainment, journalism, and coverage to the extent that g4 did back in the day?

youtube, twitch and reddit

>wanting Adam "I am addicted to coke and trannies" Sessler to come back

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That's the guests they're having on, from the brief bit I saw.

Zig Forums, Reddit, Twitter :^)

>modern day Adam Sessler

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I think it'll be shit, G4TV was basically a youtube channel on tv. Now if we were talking TechTv then I'd be more inclined, but such things are treasures in time. We can only preserve it, rebooting something from a time when we had things like Cinematech and the old xplay, its utterly pointless when kids on twitch or YT living rent-free and avoid paying taxes until 24 is a thing, they make corporate marketing inexpensive. Idk who would want to invest in G4, when you can pay a streamer or YTber or hell a VTuber for Ad-placement. Thats more cost efficient now due to the oversaturation of vidya content/ journalism there is now. TechTv and G4TV were mouth pieces for gamers, until forums started to gain more traction than the journalists themselves and built greater brands that competed and outlived G4.
she's all sjw now if you didn't watch the "Reunion". her segment was cringe to hear. Don't get me wrong I liked the old g4cast, literally my old tv friends, but they are far cries from what they used to be. Adam is completely shameful of his existence due to the pressure he composed from social media, morgan is a shill, kevin is just a failed streamer, olivia is old, and basically yeah they are old. Whoever takes over their places as personalities and hosts, will definitely have less substance and more politics than before.

Dead thread, just like G4.

Only thing to hope for is
1. Proper rip of Code Monkeys season 2 without all the annoying popup ads from TV recordings
2. More Code Monkeys (with the same writes , but this is doubtful due to how offensive the show is to modern sensibilities), Cinematech, or Portal.

iirc he made a tweet that he did not want to go back to G4 even if it came back.

Found out she had breast reduction surgery. Why would someone do such a thing?

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>I need all my information in one place
Again, are you retarded or just a paid shill?

goddamn why did early G4 have so much soul?

Absolutely not. Youtubers have taken their place. The only kind of shows that would work now are shows like Portal, Icons, and skit shows like the Splinter Cell bit they did during X-Play sometimes. Many of their shows are obsolete with no way of returning in any typical fashion.
Literally no different from any eSports tourney.
No modern games use cheat codes and cheats for old games are a click away now that internet is widely available.
Basically a tech news show, so the front page of leddit or a tech based Philip DeFranco Show. Kevin Perera actually already remade AotS on Twitch. It was called The Attack and it did pretty well for the first couple months and then he let his subordinates run things. They lost a good chunk of numbers so he started viewbotting the channel to keep morale up. He admitted to it and everything so feel free to google it. They canceled the channel pretty soon after.
>X-Play/Judgement Day
Adam already did a game review show on Rev3Games and he kind of fucking sucks at it. I watched every episode of it and it was bad. He also has voiced his disdain for that kind of job. Victor Lucas of Judgement Day already has a Youtube channel where he does basically the same shit he always did and reviews games and interviews devs. You're better off just watching him on his Electronic Playground channel.
>Human Wrecking Ball
cmon dude

That show would never come back on actual tv lmao.

Zig Forums is the final destination for the gamer because when you learn about how the industry and the media work, you figure out it's all bullshit, and that gaming as an enjoyable medium died in 2009.

rich husband didn't want anyone else looking at her mommy milkers

I will always love Olivia Munn.

I Love Adam!

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She is the reason for my asian fetish, even though I don't believe she is asian?

There are people on Zig Forums who genuinely believe this

God damn, I did read into some of it. going from 4-6k views down to 300 even with botting, thats insane. the general consensus was that it was really good but went to shit only a few months later. I even remember it being on the front page of twitch podcasts at one time

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How is the gaming industry any better now than it was prior to 2009?

here's a scoop for you

they're hiring this thot


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so quirky!

I was a regular viewer for those few first months. It was good, they did all kinds of skits and gags. They did stupid shit and made all kinds of crazy contraptions and shit to pie each other in the face. Kind of like the AotS of old with Olivia. When Kevin left the show (he would pop in occasionally as kind of a guest) they had hot girls take his place and it kind of became a hollow version of AotS with Candace Bailey and Sara Jean Underwood.. A lot of the stuff they did came from their subreddit and when people stopped watching, they also stopped submitting shit to the reddit. It got real rough, real fast.

I don't like to put hard limits. There are certainly games that came out after 2009 I enjoyed. If I had to put a "pozz gate" it would be the beginning of 8th gen though.

of course she's Asain. She looks Vietnamese or something. I think she's talked about her strict parents before and made asain parent jokes too.

why would kevin make a show just to end up leaving soon after? I don't think he does movies or anything besides being a game show announcer

What does she bring to the table exactly? What kinds of games does she have an interest in?

shes a gamer gurrlll and theres nothing you BOYS can do to stop her xD

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