ITT: games that are good if you look past that 1 flaw

Botw if you ignore weapon degradation

Attached: YU6dktw.jpg (683x1024, 535.24K)

wrong, I emulated via CEMU and tried removing it and changing the degradation rate, neither made the game enjoyable since the combat is absolute shit and the world is full of repetitive uninspired content

>Problem, officer?

that's a big nose

Risk of Rain if you ignore port forward multiplayer

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Who's the semen demon?

>want to get into shibari
>gf seems into it
>too lazy to look up best type of rope to buy / actually buy it because it seems marked up on fetish sites
It looks kind of gross on the girl in the OP pic though

all the problems stem from the fact that the game was designed around weapon degradation
thats why we dont really have proper weapons with real movesets and specials, thats why chests are boring to find, thats why combat is best avoided as there is nothing to gain

this is somehow hotter than without the rope

is shitposting good for you?

Of course it is.

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perfect game if they just got the networking code working properly

Attached: plaza-1.jpg (1280x1024, 224.57K)

9 years, has she reached milf status?

>wh*te girls always wrapping something around their thigh to produce a semblance of an ass

Attached: 1597148337534.webm (608x336, 277.01K)

>"yeah I'm into BDSM and am a rope bottom"

Attached: boris goldeneye.gif (500x278, 1.46M)

fuck off retard, you'll never find a game without flaws

>he hasn't played tetris

Nobody cares about your baboon asses on ugly ingresses nigger.

>bedrock builds up no matter what you do

got damn

>no matter what you do
t. brainlet

Attached: papagenos.jpg (250x250, 8.52K)

Are you being retarded on purpose?

Why is she so memeable
Like she's kind of ugly, but not that ugly, and somehow end up being funny, but in a non completely mean way.

Syphon filter omega strain if the had a LAN option

The original version of tetris didn't have features like rotating / sliding pieces at the last moment, piece preview, holding pieces, etc.
You can point to tetris as a whole, but I don't think any individual tetris game is without flaw.

>tetris gm blocks your way

>but her face

Is that her real butt?

If grandmaster is so good why did they make 2 and 3 and Ace?

would not even touch her

Doom Eternal if they made the ammo count and chainsaw behave more like Doom 2016.

that's ok, you wouldn't ever get a chance to

RDR2 if you don't play it


don't be a weak-willed simp -- but thank you, yes; would not even touch her

Sauce on this pic OP please


Are those panties painted on?