Come on

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Say the thing
Do it

Attached: dmc-dante.jpg (975x600, 160.94K)

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Fuck you

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Not in a million years

Best DMC since dmc3

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DmC isn't even as good as original DMC

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DMC1 isnt even a good game. DmC improves it in literally every way.

better graphics
better combat
better story
better girl
better camera
better platforming
better boss design
better weapons
better environments
better music

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I actually thought DmC was good, and Donte was a fine character (his whole point was that he started out as a rebellious dick but went through actual character development and started becoming protective, but people completely ignore this second part and just think he was dick through the whole game). It is also by far the lengtiest game in the series

still, it's nowhere near on the level of DMC4 gameplaywise, and that's what dmc is about, where all of it's replayability is, not the few hours long story modes.

dmc4 gets a lot of flack from retards thinking it's an unfinished game, and while it's story was indeed pretty meh, it was a huge leap in mechanical complexity compared to 3

>better story
>better girl
>better boss design
>better weapons
>better music

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>better story
dmc1 barely has a story but i'll still take it over tameme's schlock


I wouldn't. DmC actually has a functional story that makes sense and has actual 3 dimensional characters.
DMC1 was has like no story and what little story there is makes Dante seem like a virgin, Nice Oedipus complex Kamiya, DAnte is SO COOL for wanting to fuck his mom

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nice cherry picking the smallest room in the game. probably the biggest reason dmc1 is ass is because capcom was so lazy using resident evil 3's camera

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different strokes for different folks i guess, if the story is gonna look like it was written by a 14-year-old either way i'll take the simplistic one so i don't have to suffer through a lot

Rest in piece little chicken. It's been a blast

>it's nowhere near on the level of DMC4 gameplaywise
Yeah DmC's combat is a lot better. There isn't even anything redeeming about DMC4's combat

dmc4 had the actual worst weapons for dante, only the returning ones are good at all, pandora's box is the single exception. All the enemy balancing is actually designed for nero and the bloated "inertia system" was so pointless, it's never been in another dmc game.

I'd rather play DmC's controllable camera, aerial combat focused and multi-weapon, hybrid combos anyday

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Yeah different strokes.

I'd prefer the one that doesn't have incest or a useless female character that just functions as a plot device

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smoke blowing

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i never understood why so many people had an autistic freakout when DmC dante smoked.

Did no one assume old Dante smoked? He literally lives in a bar

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not in a mllion years

>DmC-fag thinks DmC is better than DMC and DMC4
Now you're just baiting too obviously now

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Si, pero llámame Dante, el exterminador de demonios. ¿A que suena bien?

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>obvious troll mad that he cant explain why he thinks dmc4 is better than DmC
>has to post react image because he doesn't know how to communicate with people

dmc4 is borderline worse than dmc1 or 2

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Not in a million sales, lmao

He doesn't live in a bar. He owns that building and it's not meant to serve patrons. He drinks but he doesn't smoke, since according to Kamiya, smoking isn't cool, and since Dante's cool he doesn't smoke.

you sound like a casual who knows little about dmc's gameplay beyond it's basic surface experiences

you could do more shit just with lucifer than with the entire arsenal of DmC

yeah well kamiya isn't word of law on cool.

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Whatever the case, Dante was explicitly prohibited from smoking in the first game and Itsuno has never gone against that.

>He doesn't live in a bar.
He literally does live in a bar

it just seems like kamiya didn't know what "cool" meant 20 years ago. evidently he that being attracted to you own mother sexually was also "cooler" than smoking

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It's not a bar if it doesn't serve patrons. It might have been a bar before he bought it, but it's no longer one now. The Devil May Cry office has two purposes: to serve as Dante's home, and to provide a place of operations for his demon-hunting business.

>you could do more shit just with lucifer than with the entire arsenal of DmC
lol we have a poser in the thread.

Lucifer was actually just broken (in a bad way) in dmc4, even at max damage upgraded, it never dealt enough damage to justify all the set up. Literally a waste of a weapon slot, in an already, unfinished game.

DmC's grenade launcher (Kabooley) is the functional version of the delayed hit box weapon. One of many ways (including the controllable camera and removal of the inertia system) that DmC improved upon dmc4's shitty combat

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>It's not a bar if it doesn't serve patrons.
>The Devil May Cry office has two purposes:...and to provide a place of operations for his demon-hunting business. (via contracts he gets from his partons)

Here's a video of Morrison (one of dante's patrons) smoking in dante's bar


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user what the fuck is wrong with you? Do you even know what a bar is? You can drink in someone's home, but that doesn't make their home a bar. A bar is a place of business in which alcohol is served in exchange for money. Dante clearly doesn't make money from selling alcohol.