*exceeds expectations*
*exceeds expectations*
In sucking..
It's okay. I just don't have the motivation to do all these bullshit menial tasks these days though. I just wanna pvp without having to do 5 dailies, Torghast bullshit, among other things.
When does the first raid drop? I crafted a bunch of feasts and I'm gonna wait to post them until the raid hits
the ffxivlogs guy likes it.
next week
It's whatever, wish maldraxxus was expanded upon.
i haven't looked at conduits much but it seems like they don't want anything per spec like azerite essences were, which is a good goal rpg wise, fuck dual spec and fuck wrath
BfA 2.0
I'm enjoying it but I don't really like how timegated everything is. I get it on some level because you don't want it just be an endless grind so it's neccesary so you won't feel like you're falling behind for not being a NEET and playing it 24/7 but I feel like there's not much to do after doing my dailies and being locked out of mythics.
It was pretty lame that pretty much all the Houses got eliminated as soon as we entered the zone.
Nah, WoW works on an A team B team system where every expansion rotates between shit and decent.
Cata - shit
MoP - Decent
WoD - Shit
Legion - Decent
BfA - Shit
Shadowlands - You see the pattern
Leveling alts is super simple now, and next week M+ and raid opens up so there will be plenty to do then PVE wise.
Is this the most punchable face in all of video games? God damn I hate him so fucking much.
The people who still cling onto WoW are gonna be over the honeymoon phase soon
>WoW works on an A team B team system
Has this actually been confirmed by them or is it just conjecture from the good expansion/bad expansion cycle?
You clearly don't know much about WoW's playerbase huh
it's entirely made up, like most of the shit people say on here.
Shadowlands was supposed to flop but it was a huge success. Zig Forums is wrong again!
Who cares that literal who tranny on Twitter likes anything?
Myself included and many others either refunded their preorder or didn't buy it. Quitting WoW was harder than quitting cigarettes, but from what I saw in the alpha and beta Blizzard sure as hell made it easier to quit
the wowshill knows his income is threatened if the game capsizes
Nice blog, think you should start smoking cigarettes honestly
as opposed to the literal whos on here?
>but it was a huge success
According to?
yeah, just like ninja's income is threatened if fortnite goes down, right?
it's not like he gets 30k+ viewers no matter what the fuck he streams lmao
He has to follow his script.
pretty sure he's made enough money to retire at this point his streams get like 50k views and plus he lives with his mom so it's not like he spends much
>anecdotal evidence
I did and quit
Lean is a huge success in the drug scene but there's barely a subculture behind it compared to weed and cocaine.
>Shadowlands - You see the pattern
lmao. that's some spicy cope.
expectations were pretty fucking low after the abomination that was BFA
Why does he live in his mom's house? pathetic
If any of you people that are still playing this dogshit have any respect left for what this franchise once was quit the game right now.
make me lmao
I honestly don't get how you can unironically watch this mongloid. He is living proof that you can have all the money in the world and yet still be a complete human failure. How anyone can even get 1 second of enjoyment out of this guy is beyond me. The worst part is that he isn't even good at the game he plays 24/7. 90% of the hard stuff he "achieved" has been him getting his ass carried by people that are actually good at the game.
>streams get like 50k views
thanks to extreme viewbotting.
just looking at the viewerlist you'll find hundreds of "lolatme235" "lolatme231" etc
The notion of an "A" team or a "B" team in game dev at all is just plain bullshit. No one actually sits there and goes "lets put all the supposedly shit people, who we arbitrarily keep on instead of fire, on projects we don't like".
I didn't play BFA. Can someone quickly sum up what was so bad about it?