New Capcom leaks incoming

New Capcom leak packs. 25GB. Usual place.

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Rundown on previous leaks?

>Usual place.


RE8 Plot Details;
Ace Attorney and MH Stories 2 localization files;
SFV WIP models for Season 5;
DMC5 Pachinko files;
Something else I'm forgetting right now.

Ragnar Leaks.



DL speed is about 50 kb/s, goes for 30 minutes then fails
any way to actually get the files reliably?

Let me know if anything on Dragon's Dogma 2, Captain Commando reboot, Rockman Taisen, or Final Fight Remake show up. Also any rundowns on outsourced stuff and remasters/collections in the pipeline since the timeline was clearly only for internally-developed games.

thanks m8

Sales data for Okami HD and Ace Attorney trilogy that shows PC and Switch are fucking huge while Xbox certainly didn't make a profit.

How many waves of capcom leaks have there been? And also where can I get the rundown?


This is exactly what happens to me too. Goes for about 20 minutes at a very slow pace, and then fails. There are mirrors of archives 1-6 on Telegram that go faster, but they're still downloading 7, 8, and 9. 7 and 8 have been downloading for about a week for them

All I care about is a new MvC or Capcom All-Stars. I'll even take a Nintendo vs. Capcom, just give me a new, good crossover fighting game.

Fuck it, do project x zone with capcom only, I don't even care

mh rise info plz
I want airtight confirmation of a pc release

We have all their games up until 2024 and theres nothing listed except SF6 and planned updated editions.

>Just make a Capcom fighting game
>Make Sega vs. Capcom

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There were 2 RE games, MH6, Final Fight Remake, Rockman match and a new Onimusha. There was some other stuff but I forgot.

I'm so glad Capcom's getting fucked, they deserve this for ruining Monster Hunter with World and pandering to the west.

at this point what even notable can come out, capcoms upcoming schedule looks trash too

>RE8 Plot Details
Any big details?

moar dmc news

He meant for fighting games specifically. That said, Rockman Taisen might actually be a fighting game, Taisen is sometimes used in the titles of fighting games in Japan.

When has Taisen been used for fighting games? I thought it was usually SRPGs

There was a cutscene list that confirms that Ethan dies halfway through the game and you control Chris for the rest of it.

Something SFVI related.

>only 2 of value in 9 total archives
>the only 2 are source code
you can argue all you want about the internal docs and planned content, but the real gold is source and this hacker group is failing hard as fuck on this front

sfV was such dogshit do you really want to be made even more miserable

>SFV WIP models for Season 5;

>this hacker group is failing hard as fuck on this front
What exactly do you think are their incentives here

I'm probably thinking of Gekitou Ninja Taisen, the Japanese title for the Naruto Clash of Ninja series. That's always the first thing that comes to mind.

Either way, it seems like some sort of larger Rockman spinoff than normal, whether a fighter or an SRPG. Not sure if it'll be Classic or a crossover between each series just for fanservice; the MM11 team are probably the ones behind the new GnG in the leak so I imagine that this spinoff is their stopgap for the IP. My main thing is to let everybody know that "Match" translated from Taisen means more of a sporting/fighting match than "match 3". I've seen too many people assume it's a puzzle game.

They don't care about games like the Nintendo hacker did. (Zammis not Ryan)
They literally just want money, so I doubt they'd care about grabbing the good shit. I don't even think they're into games

trying to bait capcom into giving shitcoins which obviously will never happen

Wow, that's pretty big. Guess that's why the "EthanChads" went silent. Between RE8, RE4 Remake, and the CGI movies, the main characters will always be Leon and Chris.

In which case they want legal and business info, not source code

SFV was dogshit its actually pretty great now.

its clear they want money and dont care about the content itself but they wont be getting the buttcoins anyway so why even hesitate to release such content? the only people losing out are them if they dont do it.

>Mega Man SRPG

There was an imgur album I saw but don't have, the gist of it is:
>Daigo from Rival Schools (possibly just as an assist for Akira since he's her brother)
>A couple of Rose costumes (one looks like a tracksuit, the other has jeans and a croptop)
>Dan costume where he's just wearing a big plastic caricature of his own face with holes cut out of it for his limbs and head

>why even hesitate to release such content
Drag out the pain.
You don't want to leak stuff all at once, you want things to trickle in so it stays in the news cycle.

>you can argue all you want about the internal docs and planned content, but the real gold is source and this hacker group is failing hard as fuck on this front
They want money, source is te most valuable of all, so it will probably be the last thing they put out

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>about 1Tb of data stolen
>leaked in packs of ~20Gb biweekly
so we're going to be doing this for the next 6 months huh

A Megaman fighting game or SRPG featuring all the timelines would be really cool.

>source is te most valuable of all, so it will probably be the last thing they put out
Says a lot about how they've put out the source of DMC2 then, huh? I hope some madman uses it to make that game good one day.

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Reminder that "Mega Man" is more than a name, it is an idea and a title.

Have Capcom ever made an SRPG? Also the sales target is 1.9 million which would be absurd for an SRPG


and risk the rest not being released if theyre caught because they didnt release it all. they need a killswitch that unleashes everything in the event it happens
source is the most valuable yet capcom clearly wont pay the ransom so so why even bother arguing this at that point

they could at least put up a playable build or some shit since theres gotta be some shit in there like that

I doubt it, RE has been trying to create a new generation since 6. Ethan is the most well received protagonist since Leon. Old man Chris is cool and all but if they're commited to the real time aging aspect, the entire cast will be a retirement home in 10 years.

>No Viewtiful Joe

Happy for you Powerstone fans though

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I wonder if it has SFV source code.

>and risk the rest not being released if theyre caught because they didnt release it all
If they're caught they have bigger problems to worry about
>source is the most valuable
No it's not

You're thinking about this like a consumer of the leaks rather than hackers trying to maximize profit.

I doubt he actually dies but you probably do switch to chris halfway

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Timeline only showed internally-developed games, Capcom outsources most of their collections and remasters. I doubt that there won't be more collections for Mega Man, fighting games, and even beat-em-ups in the future given the successes in recent years. The Captain Commando reboot likely has some ties to the Beat-em-up Bundle doing pretty well.

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the hackers profiting is unlikely unless its by some random fuckass with lots of bitcoin at their disposal. im thinking about it on both sides here and the hackers are losing out and shooting their foot, the consumers of the leaks are losing out and losing interest

Aside from dumb shit like Street Fighter roster choices, why would anyone want to get Resident Evil spoiled for them? No matter what weird direction RE takes, Zig Forums always love RE at heart.

No, you don't. RE is the most boring series in Capcom's catalog.

>the hackers are losing out
Losing out on what? Either they get the money, or they don't and the need to make it hurt for Capcom. Dragging out the leaks makes sense for the latter
>the consumers of the leaks
They don't care about you, and you're still here in this topic

Clover's IPs woudn't really be the same without their creators. Viewtiful Joe without Kamiya or God Hand without Mikami (not that Capcom has any reason to fund a God Hand 2 given how hard it flopped) just wouldn't be the same. This same idea is probably why Platinum never made a Vanquish 2; Vanquish was Mikami's game.

>ethan is the most well received protagonist since leon
lying is bad

a retirement home horror game would be amazing

heres the thing youre missing dumbass they made it clear its
>capcom pays
>or we sell to highest bidder
both of these wont happen so why even trickle the leaks along the way when theyre losing out to begin with. they scored big data wise, so why even take a loss like this