what went wrong?
What went wrong?
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WoW aesthetic
it doesnt look anything like wow
that marketplace that some retarded investor made them put in the game and balance everything around it and how they changed everything to make you feel like you had to spend more money to get gear
oh my god they ripped off Flamelurker from the legendary Bluepoint game Demon's Souls!
All the core Diablo 2 team left.
This game and Cata were the releases that really exposed something was deeply wrong at Blizzard. They've made pure shit ever since.
one of the earlier stages of the worst design trends, of these specific demon designs you seen in some games
we went from referencing hell and demons in games to piss off catholic boomers to make them look like blocky fantasy characters because of cowardice
Played it a couple of times for a weekend in coop with friends. Had a good time.. given that was long after the auction house debacle
But why did everyone hate it after that was gone?
holy shit what were they thinking with the real money auction house, why not just set higher drop rates for useful shit
>But why did everyone hate it after that was gone?
they should have just made it an expansion pack for 2 and kept the art style
Retards thinking that every game in a series has to be identical.
>why not just set higher drop rates for useful shit
because of money, blizz wanted that money so bad that they destroyed the game that gave them their name, also remember that people waited for a decade for that release to find that auction house after having to login right of the bat, i used to play offline most of the time
>i-i-i-it's fun with friends
tj maxx opinion
nothing. Its a fine game.
always online
camt believe people still play this game
endlessly farming paragons 12 hours a day
pure autism
Fun game gets played a lot
More news at 11
>what went wrong?
At release? Everything. Nothing about D3 on release functioned as an enjoyable game. The D2 demo disk was a more well rounded game than D3 at release. Name some bullshit you've experienced in vidya... D3 had it.
Even after several patches, it took a whole fucking expansion and several more patches for it to approach working as intended.
Art direction was, by far, the least of D3's issues.
me and the lads always play each season but only enough to finish unlock the stuff. Hardcore only
I picked the game up last year and found it fun. Right now I'm playing my third season and I like it.
AH, watered down character building, game designers who only ever knew WoW, too much reliance on main stat, Armor sets looking closer to WoW and overall art that varied from 'okay' to 'why the fuck do these parts of terrain look like someone added it with fucking water color paints'.
soulless garbage
they made tyrael into a fucking nigger
>We want the MMO audeience!
also always online
path of exile is legitimately better
nothing, it took me busy for a couple months of enjoyable ARPG gameplay.
worth its money. 99% of AAA games couldnt do the same.
It had a rocky launch, but ultimately it's a solid contemporary arpg. Of course it's not better than 2, and frankly, no arpg is, but compared to the likes of PoE or Grim Dawn it's got the most polish, highest production values, and simply feels the best when playing it. I love the fact I can switch out abilities on the fly and don't have to go through a bunch of bullshit just to try different loadouts. Also Loot 2.0 is the best loot system i've ever seen in any arpg ever. Nobody wants 95% of drops to be irrelevant for their class, and nobody wants to finally get a legendary drop only to find out it's fucking shit and is meant for level 5 when you're fucking level 40. Yes, it's less rpg, but it at least gets the action right. My main complaint for 3 is it's pretty easy until you get to insanely high Grifts, but I guess you can always play on a difficulty you're not meant for if you really wanted a challenge.
it doesn't look anything like diablo 2 either
at launch
>rmah tied to loot drops
>extremely boring itemization and uniques
>worthless story
after ros
>grinding stupid keys just to do rifts to the "real grinding"
>rifts were boring and too sparse with monsters
>even more boring itemzation (unique, ancient slightly better unique, even more ancient better unique)
>no map variety
>everyone was had the same set of abilities (generator, light spender, movement, temp god mode, resource dump) and prioritized the same gear (cdr, main stat, elemental)
>hilarious power creep