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from the new operation: counter-strike.net/brokenfang

Horrible, good thing I got VAC banned, used to be GE.

VAC banned for what?

all of the operator skins in csgo look wack and dont fit the look of the game. this is probably the worst one yet, though.

How long till they have a tranny operator ?

Hacks user

People still play CS in 2020?

Nigga, the OP has a tranny in it

I really don't like this constantly sarcastic type of writing that so much popular media goes for nowadays. Is Marvel to blame for all this?

Attached: 1569707087972.jpg (385x375, 34.86K)

Why does CSGO even have operators? Just because Siege has them?

Soiboys, its always soiboys. Specifically i mean the Anthony Burch types that inject soilatte into their veins every day.

>Weird, quirky, unhinged
I can't, this is something Zig Forums would come up with to be ironic

Pretty much anything with Joss Whedon's writing, including MCU.
That and to make more money.

How much does the new operation cost?

There's an old meme exactly like that.

>Intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

Speed running the crates to resell them to make money out of streamers

nobody reads that shit lol

Holy fuck CSGO has really been in the downhill sicne the skin casino fiasco

>Don't blow it. DO blow the bomb though, okay? We do want that.
What's this type of writing is this? It feels it's everywhere now.
It goes hand in hand with
>Something happens
>Character: "Okay that happened"

this is someone's OC


Burch writing®

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>DO blow the bomb though, okay?
>My primary age students write better than this.

dont buy it

Unironically Valve was doing that already in 2007 with TF2 and Portal.

>opaque sunglasses
didn't kleiner's glasses in HL2 have lenses in fucking 2004?

XD so quirky

Yes, more specifically Brian Michael Bendis.

Attached: 861127_v9_ba.jpg (1080x1440, 167.57K)

Sounds like a fucking commie
Kill all commies.

Soiboys and women