*WOOOP* Attention Zig Forums citizens, a curfew is now in effect

*WOOOP* Attention Zig Forums citizens, a curfew is now in effect

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>hire combine guy to do the style of your world
>he does combine again

at least now it was fun to play

"Dear Diary, I am going to push the Poor People Extinction Button. Love, Hiram Burrows."

Are you braindead Viktor Antonov was the Art Director for Half Life 2. He only made the architecture and design of technology. Other than his distinctive style what about the design and architecture of Dishonored 1 is anything remotely like the design and architecture of Half life 2? One is steampunk Victorian England the other is Sci-fi Soviet State.

You say this like it's a bad thing.

How old did you say your sister was?

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Relax dude

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Too bad dishonored 2 underperformed, the series is probably dead. I played it recently after years of hearing Zig Forums shit on it and it's just basically more of the same. I thought that it was even better since they gave you a bunch of more options for non-lethal other than throwing bottles at people and choking them out.

Its a better from a gameplay perspective, but sunny spain land was not as interesting imho

Fun fact you can kill this guy on the speaker during the assasinate lord regent mission and he will be replaced by a new female annoucer. Eho is actually voiced by Carrie Fisher her only soeaking role in the game. Pretty neat.

Congratulations on getting your own squa-

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Blow off chauffeur

I can see why Arkane always underperformed in their games. They always put some unnecessary, expensive fluff into the game like its no big deal. I still don't get why they even bothered to have Carrie Fischer as the announcer there, when she only spouts couple of lines and having her required a very specific task to do.

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Another night, another patrol with (you)

>is better than original game and sequel
How is he so based ?

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Captain of Industry > Dead Eels > Eminent Domain > Delilah's Masterwork > The Surge > Stay of Execution

The manor itself looks great but the insides are drab and repetitive. Captain of industry is the best cuz of all the vents and gross pipes to crawl through and the variety between the outdoor part, the apartments, the huge whale-housing rooms, and the offices

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It's the sci fi stuff on top of those settings. You're blind if the guard towers, grid walls, trains, etc. in Dishonored don't look just like Combine stuff. The only difference is glowing white whale oil canisters instead of glowing Combine batteries. It all even had the identical dark blue steel with red accents color scheme.

I really like his design to be honest. That cluttered feel of his work is something that i really appreciate. It's the clash of the classical architecture mixed with the mangled piece of technology that really sold the setting well, both HL2 and Dishonored.

Based, did you put that girl that helps you in the electric chair too? The only bad part is you can only use the chair once, so if you put her in it then you lose the main guy's nonlethal route.

I think its pretty neat and adds soul to the game.

This game really aged well thanks to the artstyle

It kinda is in a way. I remember when Zig Forums used to make fun of it though. There are times where anons plant their face to the wall texture and saying that the game is shit because of how blurry the texture were lmao.

I played Dishonred 1, 2 and DOTH back to back in the summer and it was the best shit I’ve played in years

Everyone shits on 2 for some reason I thought it was great, Karnaca is amazing

why is everyone playing this game with cranked up brightness? the game looks so much better if you don't do that

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I love 2 as well but I missed the gloom of Dunwall

If we got a straight up remake of this game in Dishonored 2's engine with all it's gameplat improvements I'd do nothing but play that shit for years.

Soon HL3

Shall we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight?

Yes, I believe so.

Dishonored 2 lacked content and its story was lackluster. In the first game, you couldn't spit without hitting some hidden quest or a piece of lore - in the second one it's flies, soldiers, flies, loot, more soldiers. It also took the shitty path of laying bare the entire universe and explaining the backstory of everything and everyone instead of keeping players guessing about certain things.
I blew through DH1 without pausing for breath, but it took me almost a month to finish DH2, so boring it was. The only things that stood out were the time travel concept and the body double mission.