Is EA really still the worst gaming company or has that throne been taken by Activision by now?

Is EA really still the worst gaming company or has that throne been taken by Activision by now?

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>that comic

where's the punchline?


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i think activision is king now. ea is laying low because of all the legal trouble.


The punchline is the author is an actual, boot licking Nazi.

What's wrong with being a Nazi?

racism is bad

No one WANTS to be racist, it's not a choice. It's a natural reaction to the world around you.

You are kinda there, but racism isn't a natural reaction. It's learned behavior. Most kids learn it from their parents.

racism is inherent in the human condition
being a fucking nigger about it is bad

Ubisoft obviously

Trump lost, chuds. Cope.

stonetoss is a nazi

Where did their parents learn it from?


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The salesman.

yeah and then you grow up and stop being a baby

minorities cannot be racist

>Racism is only bad if it's against whites.

this is the dullest bait I've seen in the last 19 hours of posting, work on it

This is painful, user.

>The punchline is the author is an actual, boot licking Nazi.

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When Netiquette existed, racists were banned instantly, and even hinting at racism made people monsters.

We really need to readopt netiquette rules. The internet is a broken mess now due to people being allowed to spew their hatred nonstop.

This is literal boomer projection about a lack of family values. Boomers would (and have) sell their children's futures for luxury and comfort.


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Ubisoft and Activision have overtaken EA. EA is in a shit ton of legal trouble so I asume they decided to be less greedy for now.

Hot take time
>Racism is bad regardless of who does it because it's rude, you're being inconsiderate of the persons individual actions and instead treating them as merely their group

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it's sony or ubisoft
probably sony desu

Not in my country, nigger.

I started browsing the internet in 2002 or something and some places were filled with "ironically racist" people.

It's all about the sites and forums you visited

it only took some mildly mean tweets about white people to make you realize that racism is bad

holy fuck im so glad im not american, what a shithole

I am a nazi.

Hey faggot, I've always been against racism on grounds of individualism. But go on, strawman some more why don't you?
Maybe the one you create next time will Wizard of Oz a brain up so at least one of you has one to use.


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fixed it

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