a GIRL and a GAMER?!
A GIRL and a GAMER?!
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hey hey can i get a poggers in the chat
Danganronpa 2 and V3 suck the anime was terrible
One hit wonder series
>she brings a board game to a picnic
>no one wants to play
she was so fucking annoying
That was such a weird thing to include. I still don't understand what purpose that dialogue had.
fuck off danganautists
go back to your general
I came
that was quick
>based NlGGER blacking my waifus
I was already edging when I came into the thread, then I opened the pastebin, saw the title, evaluated the length of the scroll bar and jumped ahead to where I estimated the sexiest parts of the story would be. I was not disappointed.
O-ok. Good for you.
>the anime confirms that she has abysmal taste in games
How unfortunate.
she's a retrofag
>le me talking with ibuki about why nintendo sucks
>this bitch comes from the other room assperging about how we need to learn about the games
>tell her to fucking chill out
>she start to assperging even more
oh boy, the third danganronpa thread today!
omg i love this cahracter she's LAZY and likes VIDEO GAMES LIKE ME!!!! *becomes transexual*
Yeah, this could have been another thread talking about Cyberpunk2077s dicks!
we really need danganronpa 4
>the third
It's been more than that.
>Hajime couldn't compete with that, not in a million years.
we need a trainer danganronpa game with this bitch in
>Replaying 2
>Teruteru gets finally dies as he deserves
>Realize that the 2 cast actually survived
>Realize this means Teruteru isn't properly in hell.
trainer slave*
I was actually disappointed it didn't show which board game she brought.
only chiaki dies lmao
how'd you get this story of me fuckin chiaki?