>Imran Khan (Game Informer ex-senior editor) confirms that there are "reasonable" hints that the game is appearing at TGA


>Lance Mcdonald, the guy who made the Bloodborne 60 fps patch says that Elden Ring is almost finished and Fromsoftware is waiting to show it publicly soon.


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Other urls found in this thread:




i swear to god if they have another shitty hub area where you teleport to all the areas i will be mildly displeased. also it better not rake another year to release, i will let out a sigh of disappointment if thats the case. FUCKING BASED BOYS LETS GOOOO



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i can't WAIT to see that from soft DOOR opening animation from demon's souls all the way back in 2009!!!!!!!

>Lance Mcdonald, the guy who made the Bloodborne 60 fps patch says that Elden Ring is almost finished and Fromsoftware is waiting to show it publicly soon.
because a literal who its going to have that kind of information, kyll your self dorito pope your ad-wards are a joke.

I hope it's either fully Demon's Souls with disconnected worlds or fully connected like Dark Souls 1 and not hybridized like every other game in the series. With it being open world, I'm expecting something vaguely similar to Shadow of the Colossus in terms of world design

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH *massive shart* TOLKIEN, I HAVE DEFEATED YOU AT LAST! *pauses to catch his breath* Thought I couldn't manage it, aye? *sweat accumulates in armpits* Thought ever so SMUGLY that I could not only WORK *blows nose* on my soon-to-be award winning book, The Winds of Winter *chuckles smugly* but ALSO fit in the time to construct a soon-to-be award winning electronic video game too, did you? *motorized wheelchair stalls and emits sparks* Must be terribly TAXING on you, to be so thoroughly surpassed, isn't it? Hm hm hm hm? *organs seize up*

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I genuinely wish OOOOHHHHHHHHHHposting never ends. Even after Elden Ring releases.

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>With it being open world, I'm expecting something vaguely similar to Shadow of the Colossus in terms of world design
That's kind of what I was thinking as well, riding around from point to point and stopping for some fights or loot along the way.

What about Silksong though?

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This but unironically.

Lmao all of this because of Hasan


Your time will come as well bugbros.

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>Imran Khan
Huh, a kid in my grade school class had that name.
He died.

What is with this fetishization of ds1's interconnectivity? It's literally just an, oh neat, type moment. It barely changes the game.








Inb4 instead this stuff will be delayed again because ER is already occupying the spotlight.

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you couldnt warp off the bat, so it changed your gameplay. you had to look for shortcuts, to change your gameplay. you could level up at bonfires, you didnt have to travel to the same place every time to level up them travel back to what you were doing. so it does kinda change the gameplay user

just finished DS1 yesterday and started a second playthrough of 3, let me tell you why you're wrong. The interconnectivity is at a glance just limited to the shortcuts and the nature of cutting the traversal time down after you've reached a checkpoint of progression/bumrushed your way through a level. The fact that the entire game space is designed to be within geographically confined spaces means that they had to justify it in an interesting way, and their method was to be very direct and clear about how each place relates to each other in space, it leads to a gameworld that feels like one contiguous level rather than the level select sort of style we see in 3. On a gameplay level your argument is pretty fair, its hard for me to justify the value of levels not just being separate maps loaded one after another, however its the value outside of that which makes it worth doing. The artistic design was fairly independent however part of the magic of dark souls is that they took the time to do some interesting interconnectivity at points. An example would be shit like being able to see Seathe's fortress way before even entering anor londo, or how some areas are loaded in such a way that adjacent level's geometry is loaded in at the same time. Honestly I can see why people who started at DS1 love it so much, frankly after playing all of them to completion in reverse order, 1 has been far and away my favorite. Feels like every step away from DS was a step towards that bloodborne speed style, and that's a shame.


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>Imran Khan (Game Informer ex-senior editor)
shitskin sjw who literally bounced off GI harder than klepeck from giantbomb, he was there for maybe 6 months and only was tasked with daily news beat and never wrote anything meaningful or did any real journalism. now he goes around with a "FORMERLY OF GI" namebadge on as his claim to fame. faggot retard he is


You may not know this, but the reason Sulyvhan left the Painted World was because of forced eviction by the hands of Father Ariandel, the new landlord of jewish heritage. So Sulyvhan found the abandoned city of the Gods, Anal Londo, and decided to become part of the local clergy so that he could have free board and lodging. Little did he know that Gwyndolyn, the last remaining Lord, had imposed heavy taxation on the Church of Yorshka, and all Sulyvhan got to eat were undead bone sandwiches, which tasted like ash and ass-sweat. To get back at the sexually dubious lord, the sorcerer went deep below the Earth and found the Profane Flame, called like that because it was created by the collective combustible farts of reddit atheists. He knew that only the power of neckbeard and onions could destroy the religious regime set up by Gwyndolyn. But the Profane Flame was pro trans-rights, so Gwyndolyn survived. Sulyvhan had to rely to the hunger of Aldrich, a bishop who had developed a taste for underage meat. Of course Gwyndolyn wasn't underage, so Sulyvhan enlisted Chris Hansen to set up a meeting where he would appear as one. But Chris was now extremely rich because of Cameo, so the Lord spent most of the collected taxes to have him for a couple of hours. In the end the city fell to ruin and Chris Hansen turned all the kids into desexualized invisible mummies.

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will there be online?

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inshallah habibi

>there are "reasonable" hints
so it's nothing. fuck off.

Yeah I already knew that

Gonna have to disagree with you there. The interconnected world did nothing to amaze me and it still felt like every area was another level like you claim for 3. The other poster is right. It's an "oh that's cool" thing that some people have taken too far and masturbate over.

Legitimately don't care. Why would I watch the game awards the day that Cyberpunk 2077 is out?






you're just gay and stupid okay



i dont get the ooooooooohhh thing can someone explain it to me i've never played a fromsoft game before


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