Genshin Impact damage thread

What's the damage bros? 180 pulls from me ;-;

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Since I just started playing I went for the discount rolls and got chunni cunny, noelle and water shota

15 cause i was close to pity, got Zhong, all three 4*s and additional Chungus constellation. Now i'll have to skip the next banner at the very least.

0, skipping it for the better units come next year

Waiting for a character that can actually synergize with a team

around 80. I was right at banner pity so I got him right away, then I did some more to get the 4*s, and before I knew it I was close enough to soft pity again so I went for the coin flip and got him to c1
really hope the chinese forums going crazy lead to him getting buffed since he's fun as fuck to play

What's your team?

>pulling for the worst unit

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One roll after I got childe #blessed

good goy give china money for a chance to gsmble for virtual characters in a clone of a actual game


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Not even 20 rolls, I was pulling until I either got a 5 star on the 50/50 or enough dust to get the Kaeya dupe
And Zhongli decided to come home first

i got the him and 2 fire rock and roll girl on the third 10pull

Got him on my first 10 roll along with Xinyan, but I was 70 pulls on the character banner between Venti, Klee and Childe banners anyways without any 5-stars. Did another 10 roll and got Razor, had Chongyun for a long time, don't remember where I got him from though, maybe the beginners banner.

Was blessed on my final roll, I was doing singles since I had a few fates and 400 gems and got qiqi first, chong, then zhongli

0. Neither him or the 4* interest me.

Saving for the goat

>two shitty male five stars
If they go ahead and release Ganyu and Yao Yao on separate consecutive banners, I'm doing to be pissed off. Diona was the only new character I've wanted in two entire banners and Ganyu, Akyaka and Yao Yao are the only three I care about in the next couple of banners.
Dragonspire and Inazuma can't come soon enough, enough of these shitty banners and shitty padding events.

0, going for Albedo instead

according to leaks it doesn't look like yaoyao will be in 1.2
1.2 will be albedo and likely rosaria (titcow mondstadt nun, cryo polearm, looks like she'll be a slow polearm user though) and then ganyu and likely hu tao (cryo polearm, kinda looks like a 2hu)

Qiqi instead of Zhong. seems I got a better deal

Wasnt HuTao supposed to be pyro? Besides theres no proof of either 4* character but people sure love to repeat they are totally coming out

Hu Tao is a pyro polearm.


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>not just pulling for characters you want the most
>in a game that doesn't even have pvp

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Go back to /vg/

>Epic Shit

>What's the damage bros?
Too low.

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Do we know where that puts Ganyu? I'm starting to want to risk pity on Zhongli for the 50% chance of someone else showing up, so the next five star pity is 100% someone I absolutely want, which may be Ayaka since I have a Black Sword.
Miyoho's lack of transparent roadmap is frustrating. I would be far more willing to spend money if I had a clear idea of exactly who or what I could be saving for and how long it would take. At the current rate, I'll probably end up dropping the game after Dragonspire and picking it up again whenever Inazuma launches.

meant to say pyro, yeah
and while we don't know about hu tao, rosaria is extremely likely to be with the first banner since she's in the datamined leaks that were confirmed with zhongli's release. and albedo is likely the first 5* because he's tied to the event/story for dragonspine. plus based on current patterns (which to be fair it's too early to be confident that there is any pattern), they won't double down on elements so ganyu and rosaria will be separated

Which one of these is the one with the brush stroke attacks?

60 pulls and zero Razors
At soft pity and not gonna waste it on a g*o

Don't worry too much. He'll probably appear in the shop sooner or later.